Lie down, lie - have some fun,
from lying I did not diminish,
who is, he asked for the rudeness,
all just lying on askance.
Call us - we will respond back,
but are afraid to go - stumble,
We have long scared of exploration,
conducted dead ancestors.
Better we overpower desire.
You are doing - you have self-esteem,
and those who are learning the tricks,
from exams bald hunching.
Thank God, we do not put on
(to us from this very nemozhet)
we lay the heavenly manna,
We do not stand in the quest for nirvana.
Who runs, who goes, who are trying to -
No catch, no one will play,
he had his two-legged fork
draws a fork fork.
And at heart, a heart on Nochka whether
He gets stuck in the sand and the Sinking
lie side by side with us - equal ...
given to us, and he achieved.
Первое предложение: tried - сказуемое, глагол в форме Past Simple
breaking - дополнение, выражено герундием. Герундий обладает признаками как глагола, так и существительного и выражает какое-либо действие, процесс его выполнения. Т.е. если дословно переводить, получается: Я пробовал ломание льда криком...
При переводе на русский герундий обычно замещают существительным или глаголом. Я прбовал сломать лёд криком, но это не
Во втором предложении аналогично. Он прекратит быть таким эгоистом.
Прекратит бытие эгоиста... Кажется, скоро это превратится в решение задания по философии..
2.The officer ordered(us) to stand up
3.He told me not to drive very fast as it was very dangerous
4.She reminded me to do the exercise
5.Bob suggested going to the Zoo tomorrow
6.They begged mom to let them go to the cinema
7.He offered to play billiards
8.She advised me to drink less soda
9.The doctor tol me to take the pills