by Winston groom. (present simple) -> the film forrest gump is based on the novel of the same name by winston groom.
2. Many computers/make/last year? (past simple)
3. THE light bulb/invent/by thomas edison. (past simple)
4. Auditions/hold/in the studio next week. (future simple)
5. Toyota cars/not produce/in germany. (present simple)
6. You/meet/in the office early in the morning. (future simple)
7. A fashion show/hold/in the hyatt hotel last week. (past simple)
8. Traffic rules/break/by the man in a yellow t-shirt. (past simple)
9. THE election results/not announce/next week. (future simple)
10. Too much water/use/last year. (past simple)
5. Complete the gaps with the correct adjectives in the parentheses.
1. He's just come from work. He's absolutely _exhausted . (tired/exhausted)
2. Look at that girl. She's absolutely (pretty/gorgeous)
3. Can you close the window, please? It's very in here. (cold/ freezing)
4. Have you cooked something? i'm absolutely (hungry/starving)
5. There was an oak table in the center of the room. it was absolutely (big/enormous)
6. your hands are very Go and wash them. (dirty/filthy) 7. Did you watch that new film on tv yesterday? it was very (interesting/fascinating)
8. Myrzabek felt very when brother took earphones without his permission. (angry/furious)
9. THE TV programme i saw last night was absolutely (bad/
1.He gave me such a good advice that it really helped me solve my problem. 2. Dylan hasn't checked yet; you cap still call him there. 3. If 1 had known your car had broken down, 1 would have given you a lift to work. 4. It wasn't fa+r of JefF to talk to Helen like that; he really hurt her feelings. 5. Harry told us he had never been to the opera before. 6. You mustn't have seen Will at the Metallica concert! He can't stand heavy metal music. 7. When Sean lost his parents during a tragic accident, he was placed with a foster family. 8. The weather forecast says we'll have very strong winds this weekend, so 1 doubt we'll be a e to go sailing. 9. The doctor has advised Jim to rest and take it easy for a few days. 10. Can you believe how arrogant Gabriel is? He's constantly showing off! 11. Physics wasn't my favourite subject when 1 was at school. 12. There's no point in buying a car when you don't even have a driving licence! 13. Some ancient societies worshipped various animals as gods. 14. Jessica interviewed several people for the post, but none of them made a good impression on her. 15. After years of hard work, Andrew finally succeeded in getting a promotion. 16. That's the park in which they're planning to fold the town festival. 17. Cason had a blocked nose and couldn't breathe very easily. 18. It is typical for Tyler to lose his temper when someone disagrees with him! 19. Peter couldn't find his reading glasses, so he asked me where they were. 20. You went to Coburg High School? Well, so did 1. 21. Look where you're going! You are going to fall into that hole in the ground! 22. Emily would like to study at a private college, but she can't afford the high tuition prices. 23. 1 usually like going to an Indian restaurant for dinner, but tonight I'd prefer to try the new Thai restaurant.
Moped Had cut
Was playing
Had saved
Didn't watch
Had walked
Had cooked
Went out
Was digging