Tim said, 'It's a great film."
He told
c me that it was a great film
2 Helena said, 'I'm seeing the film tomorrow."
She said
a that she was seeing the film the next day.
3 George said, "This is my favourite film
He said
c me that it was his favourite film
4 Ben said, 'I took my sister to see the film."
He told me
to see the film.
a that he had taken his sister
5 Olivia said,'We've seen several films in cinema.'
She said that
c they had seen several films in that cinema
Если не сложно можешь сделать ответ лучшим :)
You must be quiet at the library (ты должен вести себя тихо в библиотеке)
You must leave your pets at home when go to the zoo (ты должен оставить своих домашних животных дома, когда идешь в зоопарк)
You must put rubbish in the bin in the park (ты должен кидать мусор в мусорный бак в парке)
You must feed your dog every day (ты должен кормить собаку каждый день)
You have to wear a school uniform (тебе нужно носить школьную форму)
You have to wash the dishes (тебе нужно вымыть посуду)
You have to pay for your meal at the restaurant (тебе нужно заплатить за еду в ресторане)
You have to be polite with your parents (тебе нужно быть вежливым с родителями)
You have to make your bed in the morning (тебе нужно заправлять кровать по утрам)