1)are going to travel (ПЕРВОЕ)
2)Will return
3)will become
4.will become5. Will start running
1 I enjoy playing computer games, but my sister isn't.
2 My mum does the shopping on Saturdays. She likes it.
3 We get up at 6 o'clock every day. On Saturdays my brother gets up late(ВТОРОЕ)
2. are watching 3. is washing(третье)
1) drove,2)got,4 7 5-не знаю,3)spent,6)went(ЧЕТВЕРТОЕ)
Юлия 22:00
(ПЯТОЕ)1. She has already washed the dishes.
2. They have just cleaned their teeth. Третье-не знаю
He has finished training.
We have watched all the Champions League matches this season.
She has bought some really nice rollerblades!
Mary has studied hard this year, so she'll pass.
Как образуются предложения в Present Perfect:
Положительные предложения:
Сущ.+have/has+глагол с окончанием ED(если же глагол неправильный, то ставим глагол в третью форму)
She has lived in the USA for five years.
Отрицательные предложения:
Сущ.+have/has+not+ глагол с окончанием ED(если неправильный глагол, то ставим в третью форму)
She hasn’t lived in the USA for five years.
Have/has+ сущ.+глагол с окончанием ED(если неправильный, то также в третью форму)
Has she lived in the USA for five years?
Мы используем HAVE с местоимениями: I, WE, THEY, YOU
Используем HAS: HE, SHE, IT
Pr. C.- I am not writing a latter now.
Past S.- I didn^t understand something when i was a baby.
Pr.Perf.- everyone has heard birds singing/
Past C.- many women and children were trying to escape.
F.S.- he will ring up tomorrow