Once when I was little my parents and I went to a concert of the famous singer Stas Pyekha. He sang wonderful songs and told some stories about his life. I watched with amazement and thought: When I grow up I too will sing songs that I like! When I was 13 and we went to Moscow, where we again saw Stas and I asked him for an autograph. Since that day I have not become popular, but this dream remained...
Однажды когда я был ещё маленьким мы с родителями ходили на концерт известного певца Стаса Пьехи. Он пел замечательные песни, рассказывал несколько историй о своей жизни. Я с удивлением смотрел и задумался: Когда я выросту я тоже буду петь песни которые мне по душе! Когда мне исполнилось 13 и мы поехали в Москву там мы снова увидели Стаса и я попросил его автограф. С того дня я не стал популярным, но эта мечта осталась...
Упражнение 103 Вставьте some, any или no. 1. We haven't got any milk. We can't make an omelette. 2. Bob always likes some sugar in his coffee. 3. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted some bread. They haven't got any stamps. I can't post my letter. He has got no money. He can't spend his holidays in Switzerland any more and stay at luxury hotels. There are no schools in this street. 7. Are there any pictures in your book? 8. There are no flowers here in winter. 9. I can see some children in the yard. They are playing. 10. Are there any new buildings in your street? 11. There are no people in the park because it is cold. 12. I saw some boys in the garden, but Mike was not among them. 13. They borrowed some good books from the library. 14. Give me some tea, please,