2) Не said that it was always cold at that time of the year.
3) John said that he was going tothe stadium then.
4) Mothet said that there had been a good dress the day before.
5) My friend said that he would order pizza.
6) Kate said that George had never seen a crocodile before.
7) Catherine said that she had a headache.
8) He said that there had been a holiday the day before.
9) She said that she had got a letter from Mike that morning.
10) He said he was going tothe airport to pick up James.
11) They said that Mary spoke French fluently.
12) He said that he had just finished reading an interesting book.
Про переходе из прямой речи в непрямую мы сдвигаемся на одно время назад, учитывая изменение предлогов и слов -маркеров времени.
1) Someone, anyone
2) Stopped
3) Which, who
4) Plays, goes, does
5) A person can sneeze / A person may have a headache.
6) Big Ben is a famous sight in London / The British museum is a building sight in London.
7) I drank a cup of milk, cleaned my table, put my phone on a shelf and felt so stressed after that.
8) I read a book about pirates, listened to my favourite track, said "Good Night" to my momma and was so happy.
9) Am I ?
10) Weren't we?
11) Yourself
12) Herself
13) Millennium Bridge - Harry Potter film
Zoloti Vorota - Kyiv
St Paul's - Wispering Gallery
Tower Bridge - London
14) a comedy - jokes
a thriller - made-up stories
a horror - frightening creatures
a science fiction - gripping stories
15) a dentist - oral cavity
a surgeon - makes operations
a nurse - cares about patients
a patient - gets treatment
2. Жарко.
3. Я ненавижу жаркую погоду.
4. Я не хочу здесь сидеть.
5. Но Роджер играет в теннис со своим другом.
6. Они бегают и смеются.
7. Они не просят немного мороженного или лимонада.
8. Они веселятся.
9. Им нравится жара.
10. Ох, но я вижу продавца мороженного.
11. Мороженное холодное и очень вкусное.
12. Сейчас я счастлива.