1. Do you like the new movie made by Quentin Tarantino? I must admit that he really impressed me.
2. I do not like movies with a predictable storyline.
3. On vacation, many people can relax and feel lazy.
4. There is nothing better than a feeling of freedom and happiness.
5. Some retailers set dishonest prices for goods.
6. Brad Pitt starred in my favorite movie Legends of the Fall.
7. You should pre-book your tickets in order to choose the best seats.
8. The musical "Juno and Avos" - a hit in sales at the box office.
9. The entire cast went on stage.
10. I do not care, the letter should be sent today.
11. Loud music was very annoying.12. The book "Angels and Demons" is a bestseller worldwide.
13. One of the ways to learn the language is to watch movies in the original with subtitles.
14. The soundtrack to the series "Santa Barbara" is easy to remember.
15. Shopping centers for many people as addiction.
Lugansk - not only a beautiful city with many parks, squares and cultural monuments, but also one of the largest industrial cities in Ukraine.For example, Luhanskteplovoz supplied locomotives throughout the former Soviet Union and is known in many countries abroad.Lugansk also famous for its universities and institutes - VUGU, LGMU.KVN our LGPI repeatedly won and became famous in all countries of the CIS.Lugansk is home to many famous people.One of them has a VI Dahl - author of "Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language" and one of his closest friends Pushkin.
Lugansk not like any of the other cities of Ukraine, it differ its light soul.Soul, which make up its inhabitants, that is, we luganchane.Whatever you say, but Lugansk for many of us is a native, the closest house.
The future of our city is in our hands, and we must make it worthy not only for ourselves and our children, but also for other people. I would really like to have to spend as much fun and interesting events that could attract the attention of not only the younger generation, but also to bring happiness to our pensioners and elderly people.I think it will soon become not a dream, and translate into real life, and our life will not seem so gloomy and sad as it is now.
I am proud of their city.