По тексту: personal statement my interest in education and foreign languages dates back to my school years where i excelled in organizing different parties, concerts and discussions for primary classes.
О себе Мой интерес в сфере образования и иностранных языков восходит к моим школьные годы, где я преуспел в организации различных партий, Концерты и дискуссии для начальных классов.
1. are shouting Present Continuous Active voice 2. was sleeping Past Continuous Active voice came Past Simple Active voice 3. will be doing Future Continuous Active voice 4. has engaged Present Perfect Active voice 5. came Past Simple Active voice had made Past Perfect Active voice 6. will have completed Future Perfect Active voice 7. was arrested Past Simple Passive voice 8. have been produced Present Perfect Passive voice 9. can be produced Present Simple Passive voice find Present Simple Active voice 10. are being made Present Continuous Passive voice
As for my hobby, I have taken a new hobby up recently. It's dancing. I'm fond of dancing and I go dancing 5 times a week. We dance ballet and russin folk dances. We have really wonderful costumes.
Recently the weather has changed a lot. Sometimes it was cold and rainy. Once it rained cats and dogs. Now the temperature has risen and it's shiny. I think that it will be hot very soon.
I'm fond of my family. I've got mum, dad and brother. We get on well. We often my grandparents and have a good time. I can rely on my family and I'm proud of them.