Крах літаків
в Нью-Йорку
Річка Гудзон
Коли офісні працівники визирали зі свого Манхеттена
хмарочосів, вони не могли повірити, що було
що відбувається внизу. Літав літак
неймовірно низько над річкою. Але це не було поза
управління - здавалося, що він сідає на злітно-посадкову смугу.
Рейс 1549 вилітав з аеропорту ЛаГуардія
коли вона вразила зграю птахів. За страшним збігом обставин,
вийшли з ладу обидва двигуни. Менш ніж через п’ять хвилин,
літак був у воді. Дивом, усі
155 пасажирів та екіпаж вижили.
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I believe that the fortunate outcome was possible due to the skills of the people involved. The excellent flying skills of Captain Sullenberger and his co-pilot enabled them to do the only thing that was right at that moment and land the plane on the Hudson River. The professionalism of the flight attendants played a great role too. They managed to organise a very efficient passenger evacuation. The passengers also played their part as they did their best not to panic but to follow the cabin crew's instructions.
Obviously, we should mention the ferry captains who hurried to rescue the crew and the passengers.
This music – classics, unfading and not obeying whimsical styles, natural, as life, and comprehensive. And it isn't casual, listening to Mozart and Liszt, Tchaikovsky and Puccini's immortal works, we feel beauty and attractiveness of the sounds which are smoothly flowing and washing our soul the tender and exciting stream.
Music is capable of a lot of things: it consoles and wounded heart treats, blood heats, amuses and fills with the raging pleasure each section of our body. Its kind power is really immense, it bears love and updating, it charms and carries away to other, fantastic worlds, leaving in the distance all vanity and ordinary meanness of daily occurrence.
And let prompt years leave, let centuries be replaced new eyelids, is eternal and unshakable by value time among which music – magic and reverence of soul, true good and secret, to solve which is given only to the person with heart open for beauty and original art. Also the one who the life feels every moment magic influence and tender force of music as salutary cure for all grieves is happy.