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19.07.2022 19:13 •  Английский язык

Переведите на язык. заранее ) в столице казахстана торжественно открылся новый театр "астана опера" - самый большой и технически сложный в центральной азии. 21 июня т. г. президент казахстана нурсултан принял участие в церемонии открытия в столице государственного театра оперы и «астана опера». строение театра состоит из 4 блоков общей площадью 64 163 кв. м. зрительный зал подковообразной формы, он рассчитан на 1250 мест. площадь сцены составляет 768 кв. м,. кроме того, в театре имеется камерный зал на 250 мест, по своим техническим характеристикам не уступающий основному залу. к услугам артистов 26 просторных репетиционных залов, оборудованных по последнему слову техники и более 60 гримерных комнат. предусмотрен паркинг на 92 места и наружная автостоянка на 325 мест. на прилегающей территории выполнено благоустройство на общей площади 58,7 тыс. кв. м.

In the capital of Kazakhstan opened a new theatre "Astana Opera" - the largest and most technically complex in Central Asia. on 21 June, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan took part in the opening ceremony in the capital of the State Opera and ballet theatre "Astana Opera". The structure of the theatre consists of 4 blocks with a total area of 64 163 square meters Auditorium horseshoe shape, it is designed for 1250 seats. The scene area is 768 square feet,. In addition, the theater has a Banquet hall for 250 seats, its technical characteristics are not inferior to the main hall. It features artists 26 spacious rehearsal rooms equipped with the latest technology and more dressing rooms 60 rooms. Provides Parking for 92 seats and outdoor Parking for 325 seats. On the adjacent territory made improvement on the total area of 58.7 thousand square meters
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In early June 1984, dry and hot weather was established in the Central European part of the country after a long period of high atmospheric pressure. But on June 9, two atmospheric fronts collided here, one moving from the South-West and the other from the North. The collision of two air masses led to the formation of at least three tornado funnels, which had a high destructive force. They passed in the North-North-East direction through Moscow, Kalinin, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions. Also strong squall winds were observed on this day in the Gorky, Ryazan, Kirov, Saratov regions, Mordovian, Chuvash and Mari ASSR. But the most destructive was a tornado that passed through the Ivanovo region. The wind speed inside the crater is estimated to be about 100 meters per second.

In Ivanovo and the surrounding area even with concrete and brick buildings were torn roof, broken window glass. Single-storey houses in the suburbs suffered the most. Those that were at the epicenter of the cataclysm, was completely destroyed. Some small wooden houses were thrown into the air ... trees, poles and power lines were lying on the ground. At the cemetery Balino tornado knocked down trees, turned out of the ground tombstones. In Avdotyino was disabled the water supply, the restoration of which took several days. According to estimates, 680 houses, 200 economic facilities, 20 schools, kindergartens and power lines coming from the Kostroma GRES suffered from the violence of the disaster in the Ivanovo region. According to various data, the number of human victims ranged from 57 to 79 people. Being Saturday night, among the dead were a lot of vacationers. Some were killed by whole families. Subsequently, they were buried at the expense of the state. 804 people were injured and taken to Ivanovo hospitals. "Because of the tornado, I lost my grandfather and sister - says a resident of Ivanovo Sergey Seleznev, who was then 5 years old.

In Ivanovo who liquidated the consequences, say that the corpses had nowhere to put them even supposedly in school gyms go. Another eyewitness, with whom I was in the hospital, told me that they were taken out on trucks, tents which were soaked with blood through. And she told me that she saw in Ivanovo flying through the air traffic lights and people. And the cemetery in the village of Ivanovo under Balin fly inverted out of the land of coffins with the dead". Workers from all over the Soviet Union came to help in the restoration of the destroyed objects. On the street Lezhnevsky two prefabricated 16-storey building was erected by Moscow builders. 9-storey house was built by builders from the city of Gorky. Ivanovtsy themselves built several 5-storey houses. Apartments in the newly built houses were later distributed among those who were left homeless due to the hurricane. A terrible natural disaster made an impression on the whole country. In 1986 he published a novel by Vasily Belov's "All ahead", which refers to the Ivanovo tornado. And in 1988, Director Nikolai Gubenko made the film "Forbidden zone" about the events of June 1984. Shooting took place directly on the site of the tragedy - in the Ivanovo region.

4,5(74 оценок)

In early June 1984, dry and hot weather was established in the Central European part of the country after a long period of high atmospheric pressure. But on June 9, two atmospheric fronts collided here, one moving from the South-West and the other from the North. The collision of two air masses led to the formation of at least three tornado funnels, which had a high destructive force. They passed in the North-North-East direction through Moscow, Kalinin, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions. Also strong squall winds were observed on this day in the Gorky, Ryazan, Kirov, Saratov regions, Mordovian, Chuvash and Mari ASSR. But the most destructive was a tornado that passed through the Ivanovo region. The wind speed inside the crater is estimated to be about 100 meters per second.

In Ivanovo and the surrounding area even with concrete and brick buildings were torn roof, broken window glass. Single-storey houses in the suburbs suffered the most. Those that were at the epicenter of the cataclysm, was completely destroyed. Some small wooden houses were thrown into the air ... trees, poles and power lines were lying on the ground. At the cemetery Balino tornado knocked down trees, turned out of the ground tombstones. In Avdotyino was disabled the water supply, the restoration of which took several days. According to estimates, 680 houses, 200 economic facilities, 20 schools, kindergartens and power lines coming from the Kostroma GRES suffered from the violence of the disaster in the Ivanovo region. According to various data, the number of human victims ranged from 57 to 79 people. Being Saturday night, among the dead were a lot of vacationers. Some were killed by whole families. Subsequently, they were buried at the expense of the state. 804 people were injured and taken to Ivanovo hospitals. "Because of the tornado, I lost my grandfather and sister - says a resident of Ivanovo Sergey Seleznev, who was then 5 years old.

In Ivanovo who liquidated the consequences, say that the corpses had nowhere to put them even supposedly in school gyms go. Another eyewitness, with whom I was in the hospital, told me that they were taken out on trucks, tents which were soaked with blood through. And she told me that she saw in Ivanovo flying through the air traffic lights and people. And the cemetery in the village of Ivanovo under Balin fly inverted out of the land of coffins with the dead". Workers from all over the Soviet Union came to help in the restoration of the destroyed objects. On the street Lezhnevsky two prefabricated 16-storey building was erected by Moscow builders. 9-storey house was built by builders from the city of Gorky. Ivanovtsy themselves built several 5-storey houses. Apartments in the newly built houses were later distributed among those who were left homeless due to the hurricane. A terrible natural disaster made an impression on the whole country. In 1986 he published a novel by Vasily Belov's "All ahead", which refers to the Ivanovo tornado. And in 1988, Director Nikolai Gubenko made the film "Forbidden zone" about the events of June 1984. Shooting took place directly on the site of the tragedy - in the Ivanovo region.

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