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30.09.2021 06:31 •  Английский язык

Перевидите кому не сложно на . нужно на завтра за работу. быстрее береза - дерево жизни. береза растет во многих странах. мало кому известно, что кроме традиционной белой окраски березовой коры она может быть и желтой, и розовой, и ярко-оранжевой, и темно-фиолетовой, и черной. вообще существует около 120 видов березы, 64 из которых встречаются в россии. продолжительность жизни дерева не превышает 120 лет, за исключением так называемой железной березы, которая порой дотягивает до 400 лет. практически все, что дать береза, - кора, почки, листья, березовый сок и даже березовый гриб (чага) в виде уродливых наростов на стволе - находит применение в народной медицине. березовые почки содержат эфирное масло, аскорбиновую кислоту, флавоноиды, смолы, дубильные вещества, горечи, виноградный сахар. их используют при болезнях органов дыхания, как антисептическое и отхаркивающее средство. березовые почки применяют как противовоспалительное средство, добавляя в гигиенические ванны или используя в виде примочек и повязок при мелких ранениях и производственных травмах мягких тканей, а также при пролежнях, хронических гнойных ранах, трофических язвах и долго не заживающих ранах. в нем содержится много полезных для организма веществ, витаминов, органических кислот, белков и микроэлементов.

Birch - the tree of life. birch is increasing in many countries. Few people know that in addition to the traditional white color of birch bark, it can be yellow, and pink, and bright orange, and dark purple, and black.Generally, there are about 120 species of birch, 64 of which are found in Russia. The life span of the tree is less than 120 years, with the exception of the so-called iron birch, which is sometimes quite live up to 400 years. Almost everything that can give birch - bark, buds, leaves, birch sap and even birch fungus (shelf fungus) in the form of ugly growths on the trunk - is used in folk medicine.Birch buds contain essential oil, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, resins, tannins, bitterness, grape sugar. They are used in diseases of the respiratory system, as an antiseptic and expectorant. Birch buds are used as anti-inflammatory agent, adding to the hygienic bathing or using in the form of lotions and bandages for minor injuries and occupational injuries of soft tissues, as well as bedsores, chronic purulent wounds, venous ulcers and festering wounds. It contains many useful substances to the body, vitamins, organic acids, proteins and minerals.
4,4(82 оценок)
 Birch - the tree of life. BIRCH is growing in many countries. Few people know that in addition to the traditional white color of birch bark, it can be yellow, and pink, and bright orange, and dark purple, and black.Generally, there are about 120 species of birch, 64 of which are found in Russia. The life span of the tree is less than 120 years, with the exception of the so-called iron birch, which is sometimes quite live up to 400 years. Almost everything that can give birch - bark, buds, leaves, birch sap and even birch fungus (shelf fungus) in the form of ugly growths on the trunk - is used in folk medicine.  
Birch buds contain essential oil, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, resins, tannins, bitterness, grape sugar. They are used in diseases of the respiratory system, as an antiseptic and expectorant. Birch buds are used as anti-inflammatory agent, adding to the hygienic bathing or using in the form of lotions and bandages for minor injuries and occupational injuries of soft tissues, as well as bedsores, chronic purulent wounds, venous ulcers and festering wounds. It contains many useful substances to the body, vitamins, organic acids, proteins and minerals.       
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Ве́дьма (ст.‑слав. вѣдьма — «та, что обладает ведовством, знанием» от ст.‑слав. вѣдати — «знать, ведать»; также вештица, волшебница, колдунья, чаровница[1]) — женщина, практикующая магию (колдовство), а также обладающая магическими и знаниями. Персонаж низшей мифологии народов Европы. В современном русском языке слово «ведьма» имеет также ругательное и саркастическое значение.

Пира́тство (греч. πειρατής — грабитель, разбойник) — это незаконный захват, ограбление или потопление гражданских морских и воздушных судов. В современном международном праве пиратство является уголовным правонарушением международного характера. Помимо захвата и ограбления торговых и других судов в мирное время, к пиратству приравнивается нападение во время войны боевых кораблей, подводных лодок и военных самолётов на торговые суда нейтральных государств. Определение пиратству и меры борьбы с ним регламентированы в Конвенции ООН по морскому праву 1982 года[1].

Джинны (араб. الجني/جن‎) — духи в арабской мифологии. В доисламскую эпоху джинны у арабов почитались как боги. Согласно вероучению ислама, джинны были созданы из чистого бездымного пламени, они не воспринимаемы ни одним из пяти основных чувств человека, живут параллельно с людьми, но появились раньше них и также восприимчивы к вере/неверию в Аллаха.

Согласно арабской мифологии существует четыре вида джиннов: ифрит, гуль, сила, марид (малик). Самыми могущественными и злыми из них являются ифриты — джинны, повелевающие огнём, считаются слугами шайтана, которые могут серьёзно навредить людям[1]. Гуль — существо из арабских мифов, обычно женского пола, обитающее в пустынях и на кладбищах и питающееся свежей мертвечиной. Мариды (малики) — джинны воздуха или воды, рациональные и разумные создания, номинальные монархи всех джиннов. Сила — слабейшие из джиннов, не менять облик и крайне уязвимы для древесины (один удар деревянной палкой мгновенно убивает их).

В западной культуре джинн прежде всего известен из сборника сказок «Тысяча и одна ночь» как «волшебный дух со скрещёнными руками, внешне похожий на человека, но заточённый в лампе и исполняющий три любых желания тому, кто потёр лампу и пробудил джинна».

4,5(47 оценок)

On the eastern coast there are the Appalachian Mountains. These are geologically the oldest. The highest mountain is Mt. Mitchell. On the west of the Appalachian Highlands there is the Mississippi River which is probably the most famous American river. Its name is probably of Indian origin and means "great water."

Half of the USA is made by the Cordilleras in the west. On the shore there are the Coast Mountains. Inland there are the Rocky Mountains which are higher than 4000 m.

In the north on the border with Canada there are the Niagara Falls and the five Great Lakes - Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and Lake Superior. They are the largest natural basin of fresh water in the world. The biggest river of Alaska is the Yukon which is often ice-bound. Another big river is the Missouri. It is a tributary of the Mississippi. The Rio Grande river is a natural border between Texas and Mexico. Famous Great Canyon can be found on the Colorado River.

The United States has got many kinds of climate. From arctic in Alaska to subtropic in Florida. The majority of the area of the USA has got a temperate climate. But we can divide it into four regions. The Atlantic Coast is relatively cold, occasionally with heavy snowfalls in winter. The Central Plains have got very humid summers and cold winters with strong winds. In the west there are cold winters and hot dry summers. The weather in the north often differs from that in the south. The Death Valley in California is about the hottest place on earth in summer. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida belong to the so-called Sun Belt States. The Middle West winters are cold and long. But the summers are very hot and we can find deserts and semi-deserts here. East of the Mississippi river and south of the Great Plains cold and warm streams often meet there. So, in this area there are often tornados. The terrible frost is in Montana or in Alaska. The Hawaiian Islands have got a very pleasant and warm climate. There are minimal differences between summers and winters.

The plant kingdom is also various. Deep forests are still in the Appalachian Mountains, in the Cordilleras and on the pacific shore. In the west part of the Central Plains there are prairie used for agriculture or as grassland. Inside of the Cordilleras there are some kinds of semi-desert flora. In Alaska there is diverse flora. We can find some kinds of moss and lichen there. In the Hawaii the flora is typically tropic.

The population in the USA is about 329 million people. The density is about 26 people per 1 sq km. The highest concentration is on the Atlantic Shore. From Boston, New York, Philadelphia to Washington. Another densely populated area is the region from Chicago to Pittsburgh.

Imigration is one of extraordinary importance in American history because the original inhabitants - Indians - make only 1% of the population. There are over 100 major ethnic groups in the USA. America is sometimes called the "melting pot." The heart of the Americans consists of descendants of the British, the Irish or the Scottish. A number of the immigrants came from Germany or the Scandinavian countries. During the economic crisis of the 30´s the immigration stopped. But the increase continued after World War II.

The most numerous minority in the USA is the black people. They came like African slaves taken to North America in the 17th and 18th centuries. The original inhabitants are the Indians. Today they live mostly in their reserves. The largest one is called Navaho on the boundary- lines of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. In 17th and 18th cen. they were pushed west by white people. Last century they were almost massacred. Now they have got an organization - The National Congress of American Indians. In Alaska there live the Eskimos - Inuits.

In the USA live tens of millions of Americans of Mexican origin. Mostly in the south-west corner. They came from Mexico to find jobs in the States, to earn money. But we can find lots of Puerto Ricans, Cubans or Japanese here.

The official language in the USA is English. It has got a wide range of differences from the British English. Specially in the South. The second most-used language in the USA is Spanish in the south-west. Also, in specific areas of the state of Louisiana, we can hear French. And the Indians have got their original tongues.

In the USA there are many national parks. They represent one of the finest examples of nature conservation in the world. The first national park was Yellowstone founded in 1872. Another famous park is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River located in the state of Arizona. Next wonderful place to see are the Niagara Falls and the five Great Lakes. Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are joined by the Niagara River with its Falls. Or South Dakota´s Mt. Rushmore.

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