My Dream Home
If I could live anywhere I liked, I’d choose an old house in a center of a medium-sized town. The town would have all the normal modern facilities like banks, cinemas,theatres and supermarkets. Ideally it would also be of historical interest ( with a castle or an old church, etc. ), but it shouldn’t be too popular with tourists, because I can’t stand noise. And it would be close to water of some kind – perhaps a river 0r a sea cost. I like taking sun baths and seem very much.
My flat would be on the second or the third floor – very comfortable and well – planned. Having all modern conveniences goes without saying and I’d like to have an electric cooker instead of gas, because it is more for me. My kitchen would be rather specious – I’d like to put a high oval table in the middle of it with a three – legged stools around. And I’d love to have all the necessary electrical equipment for my household – dish washer, washing machine, microwave oven, etc.
I don’t mind it if my bedroom is the smallest one in the flat – less than the sitting room, the quest room and even the study. But I would definitely like a big window, facing the park and a balcony with a picturesque view of the old town.
I’d have a soft furnishing in my room and a thick rug on the floor – to match the wall – paper , light green or beige ( because these colors are my favorite and relaxing ). I love ornaments and flowers, so I’d like some beautiful antique items in my room. If money was no object, I’d choose African carved figures, porcelain vases from China and a chest, decorated in a flowery pattern. As I’m also fond of plants, I’d like to have a small green house on my balcony.
Weather camp is an original way to spend hollidays. During a few weeks there you would feel yourself as a part of the nature, you'd understand it better. This camp will be held at the premier location for studying weather.
As I like geografy, I keen of going to surch camps. There are some explanation, why:
First of all, people I meet there share my hobby and we always have something to speak about.
Secondly, I like to live in a tent. It turns up side down all my habbits as taking a shower in the morhing or styling my hair. It can seem uncomfortable and unuseful, but I feel myself really free there.
Moreover, I grow up my knowlege there, because every day, every hour and every minute I learn something extremelly new for me, and that's amasing.
In conclusion I like to add that if I had had surch opportunity, I would have stay in a weather camp for ever
вот я ду маю сто тебе не надо это все