1) In the evening I took my rubbish. - я думаю, здесь не хватает одного слова (Вы же имели ввиду ВЫБРАСЫВАЮ) и слово МУСОР у вас написано с ошибкой)
Did you take your rubbish in the evening?
Did you take your rubbish in the evening or in the morning?
What did you take in the evening?
When did you take my rubbish?
In the evening I took my rubbish, didn't I? - глупый вопрос, но по образцу
2) Then they will translate this text from English into Russian.
Will they translate this text from English into Russian?
Will they or we translate this text from English into Russian?
When will they translate this text from English into Russian?
What will they translate from English into Russian?
Then they will translate this text from English into Russian, won't they?
1. She usually in the morning. But today she a car .
b) walks, is driving
2. When he was ten years old, he to a private school .
c) went
3. I when suddenly I a shout .
c) was sleeping, heard
4. While they they Ann, who to them
a) were talking, saw, was coming .
5. What are you doing?- I of your proposal .
b) am thinking
6. My friend in Canada last year, but at the moment he in Chicago .
c) lived, is staying
7. I to visit him tomorrow.
c) am going
8. What are your plans for the weekend? – We with the Smiths on Sunday.
c) are staying
9. If you them tomorrow, tell them about it.
b) see
10. If he on Monday, we will talk to him .
a) comes
2.didn't eat
3.don't like
4. are you doing
5.is walking
вообще во 2 не present simple и present continious. Там present perfect и будет have never eatten