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04.04.2020 22:44 •  Английский язык

Find information about volleyball and five or six sentences about its rules.use reference books or online resources.

Movements in volleyball machinery movements.before you implement a particular technique, volleyball player moves around the court. the main purpose of such movements - choice of techniques to perform. equipment includes movements starting racks and different ways of moving.starting rack. their mission - to purchase a maximum of readiness to move. this is possible if a player receives an unstable position where it is easy to start a movement. for making optimum flow needed a relatively small footprint and a slight bending of the knees. it allows you to perform a movement in the early push from the support leg, quickly withdraw bct body abroad support and quickly, without a lot of effort to start moving in any direction. there are three types of starting racks.stable stand - one leg (usually the strongest of opposite hand) pose in front of the other. bct player's body is projected between the legs in the middle of the area of support, legs bent at the knees, the torso is tilted a few, arms bent at the elbows and brought forward.the main stand - both legs at the same level, feet parallel at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. bct player's body is projected in the middle of the support body weight evenly distributed on both feet, knees bent. torso tilted forward some bent at the elbows handed front of the body (see. fig.)the main starting stand in volleyballunstable stand - both legs at the same level, similar to the main stand. player stands or on the toes or on the full foot; however, in the latter case the weight falls on the third stop both front legs. legs bent at the knees, arms bent at the elbows and brought forward. adopt a definition of the rack, the player can either stand still in place, shifting from one foot to the other, or jumping on both feet - it activates the activity of muscular legs and helps to quickly start moving. these racks are called, respectively, static and dynamic.features start following pillars: in all cases, the beginning of the movement in any direction from the starting position of the rack is faster and more accurate than from the standard position; starting from a position of dynamic racks is faster than from a position of static racks; regardless of the type of racks speed in hand is determined by rank: forward, left - right-back; the best is the main stand (static, dynamic).in various game situations when the different techniques may be used all types of starting racks.movement. navigate the site is carried out by walking, jogging, jump.walking - the player moves prigibnym step. in contrast to the usual steps here brought forward leg slightly bent at the knee. this avoids the vertical oscillations bct body and quickly make assumptions to perform techniques. besides the usual steps can be used and adjacent skrestnye steps.running characterized launch acceleration, short distance move, abrupt changes in direction and stops. carry out its the same prigibnym step to keep the high speed of movement at a small distance of movement. last step running along the length should be the highest and ends with the imposition of the locking movement forward legs similar naprygivayuschemu step when attacking blow. this allows you to quickly make stops after moving or drastically change its direction.jump - a wide step with unsupported phase. as a rule, the jump is combined with a step or run. moving can end with a jump, allowing you to quickly complete it.
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I live in Russia. It's a very big country with a lot of climatic zones, so there are different kinds of flora and fauna in it. The most common plant that is associated with my country is a birch tree. These trees are very beautiful as they have white bark and long branches. They can grow tall. These trees grow nearly everywhere in central and southern parts of Russia. Other common plants are fir, pine, oak, poplar, aspen, and willow.

As for common animals, they are foxes, wolves, hares, squirrels and bears. They live in forests and sometimes in fields. For example, the taiga forest is home for the European elk, brown bears, reindeer, the lynx, the sable, and a variety of forest birds, such as owls and the nightingale. In the water there are different kinds of fish and in the north of the country we can find some mammals like seal, walrus and whale.

Our songbirds include blackbirds, nightingales, larks, orioles, starlings. Common waterbirds are ducks, swans, geese, gulls, shorebirds, coots, loons and others.

Some animals have become symbols of Russia and Russian cities and towns — the brightest example is the bear.

Я живу в России. Это очень большая страна с множеством климатических зон, поэтому в ней есть разные виды флоры и фауны. Самым распространенным растением, связанным с моей страной, является береза. Эти деревья очень красивы, поскольку у них белая кора и длинные ветки. Они вырастают высокими. Эти деревья растут почти повсюду в центральной и южной частях России. Другими распространенными растениями являются ель, сосна, дуб, тополь, осина и ива.

Что касается распространенных животных, то это лисы, волки, зайцы, белки и медведи. Они живут в лесах, а иногда и в полях. Например, таежный лес является домом для европейского лося, бурых медведей, оленей, рыси, соболя и множества лесных птиц, таких как совы и соловьи. В воде водятся разные виды рыб, и на севере страны мы можем найти таких млекопитающих, как тюлень, морж и кит.

Наши певчие птицы включают черных дроздов, соловьев, жаворонков, иволг, скворцов. Типичные водоплавающие - это утки, лебеди, гуси, чайки, кулики, лысухи, гагары и другие.

Некоторые животные стали символами России и ее городов - ярчайшим примером является медведь.

4,6(90 оценок)
My family isn't large. It consists of four members. But each member of owe family has his own tastes and interests. For example, my brother is fond of sports. So early in the morning he goes jogging.
That's why he has nothing to eat before it, because it would be bad for him to eat before exercises. But when he comes back, he has a shower and is more than ready for breakfast. He always needs a cup of coffee to really wake him up. His breakfast usually consists of a bowl of cereal with milk and sugar. This he follows by toasts and juice. My father eats the same as my brother.
My mother has a lighter breakfast of just yoghurt and a grapefruit. As for me, a cup of tea is enough for breakfast. And my mother sometimes scolds me for it, because it's important to have a really goods breakfast.
We don't have our main meal at lunch time. My father takes sandwiches with him to work. To be healthy, he also eats fruit. My mother is able to be more varied in her lunches, because she is a housewife. It means that she can prepare what she likes.
Her favourite dish is roast meat. As she likes to bake, there is always something tasty at home. Our evening meal is usually eaten at 7 o'clock. The main course is often meat with vegetables. Sometimes we eat pizza or pasta with delicious sauce.
We try to eat our main meal together. In our busy lives it is the one time of day when we sit down and have a good talk.
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