Greetings from Belarus. It's so amazing here. It's a really
beautiful country. I (1) came
here one week ago
and I have already done
a lot of sightseeing.
The first place I visited was
Lake Naroch. I have never seen
such a huge lake
before. So I was
really impressed. My friends
even took
me fishing and we (8) (catch
some eel and pike. Have you ever seen
a fish that
looks like a snake? That's the eel!
Then we went
to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. And
I saw
a European bison there. There are no
animals like this in England at all! Besides, I touch a really old oak. Just imagine, it's 500 years old!
They say it brings good luck.
There are still some places I have not visited
yet. I have not been
to Pripyatsky National Park.
I have never walked in the swamps, but I'm sure it will be a memorable experience. I can't wait!