Человек состоит из жидкости на 80 процентов Когда человек обессилен, то говорят, что из него выпили все соки Добрый человек – это как стакан с чистой водой для больного человека Если человек злой, то он «кипятится», как вода в стакане кипятильником Если человек ссорится из-за пустяка, говорят, что он устраивает бурю в стакане
Стакан с водой прозрачный, а человек – нет Стакан с водой стеклянный, а человек – из плоти и крови Стакан с водой всегда пресный, а человек – разный Стакан с водой серебристый, а человек – розоватый Стакан с водой – это он, а человек – это он или она
what is common
Man consists of liquid at 80 percent When people are tired, they say that all the juice is drunk out A good man is like a glass with clean water for a sick person If man is evil, he is "boiling" as the water in the glass with an immersion heater If a person quarrels for nothing, they say that he makes a storm in the teacup
A glass of water is transparent but people are not A glass of water is made of glass, but man - of flesh and blood A glass of water is always insipid but the people are various A glass of water is silver, but man is pink A glass of water is HE but a person is HE or SHE
Last year I became a member of school cinema-club.Everybody of us has got a favourite jenre in the cinema: comedies or cartoons,fantasy or science fiction,detectives or documentaries.At our meetings we tell about the history of the favourite jenre.We also watch films together,and then discuss them.We have learnt how to write comments about watched films.Sometimes the guests from cinema-world come to our meetings.They are actors,producers,reviewers.Many of them tell us that they began to be interested in the cinema in their childhood.
Last year I joined our school film club. Every member has his own favourite genre: comedies or cartoons, phantasy fiction or science fiction, detective films or documentaries. During our meetings we tell each other about some story of our favourite genre. We also watch films together and then discuss them. We have learnt to write reviews on the seen films. Sometimes people from filmland take part in our meetings: directors, actors and actresses, cameramen, critics. Many of them say that they started to take interest in cinema when they were children.
Человек состоит из жидкости на 80 процентов
Когда человек обессилен, то говорят, что из него выпили все соки
Добрый человек – это как стакан с чистой водой для больного человека
Если человек злой, то он «кипятится», как вода в стакане кипятильником
Если человек ссорится из-за пустяка, говорят, что он устраивает бурю в стакане
Стакан с водой прозрачный, а человек – нет
Стакан с водой стеклянный, а человек – из плоти и крови
Стакан с водой всегда пресный, а человек – разный
Стакан с водой серебристый, а человек – розоватый
Стакан с водой – это он, а человек – это он или она
what is common
Man consists of liquid at 80 percent
When people are tired, they say that all the juice is drunk out
A good man is like a glass with clean water for a sick person If man is evil, he is "boiling" as the water in the glass with an immersion heater
If a person quarrels for nothing, they say that he makes a storm in the teacup
A glass of water is transparent but people are not
A glass of water is made of glass, but man - of flesh and blood
A glass of water is always insipid but the people are various
A glass of water is silver, but man is pink
A glass of water is HE but a person is HE or SHE