А что собственно надо зделать,эсли надо перевести то вот. -- The trip was short. Several minutes later the magic plane was under a big old tree. Sara was in the middle of the Wild wood. She didn't know where to go. "How I can get out from here?" - she has asked. "You can't find the road?" – suddenly she has heard a voice. She has looked up and down, but has seen nobody. Near the place where she stood, there was just ugly old tree. Then she has heard a voice again: "Speak louder! I don't hear you! You were taught to speak English at school?" Sara has understood that the tree talks to her. "Sit down, please", - Sara has told. "I look for magic seeds of mustard." "At the acetic witch can be a little, but I isn't sure", - has told a tree. "The way to the lock of the witch is to the left of the road conducting to the magic airport." "You could repeat, please?" - Sara has told. "It is very difficult to remember it." "Of course, isn't present", - has told a tree." You, youth, have to learn to work without assistance. Well, hurry up!" And it has sadly shaken leaves. Sara has gone forward. It was difficult to go because it was dark. She wanted to get on a bus, but there were no buses in the wild wood. So she had to walk. It was the long way. By then, she has seen ведьмин the house, there was a morning. She has approached the lock and has seen that the key was at doors. She has opened her and has entered. "Approach here!", - she has heard a voice from above. She has approached and there she has seen the big room. In the middle of this room fire burned. Before fire there were two chairs, and in one of them there was an ugly old hag. Her friendly black cat, Midnight, was in another.
Day 1: Arrival in Auckland. Meeting at the airport by our guide. Transfer and accommodation in hotel of selected category. Free time. *Please note that the check-in at hotels is 14:00 or 15:00. Tourists arriving on morning flights, we recommend booking early check-in (surcharge).
Day 2: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Sightseeing tour of Auckland on personal transport with English speaking guide.
Auckland - city of sails, is the largest city in New Zealand located on the shores of the two seas. Today You can get acquainted with the largest centre of New Zealand. During the tour You will see the business and shopping district "Golden Mile", the old government building and the University, the Bay bridge, gardens and parks of the Domaine, broken in the crater of an extinct volcano. You stay on the observation deck of mount Eden, which offers a breathtaking panorama of the city and two ocean inlets.
After the tour free time to explore Auckland.
Day 3: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Cave tour Waitomo the composition of the English-speaking group (with lunch). Check out South towards the Waitomo caves via the Bombay hills and expanses of picturesque Waikato. The town of Matamata in the Waikato valley was the filming location of Hobbiton. On arrival in Waitomo boat cruise through the glow of the Waitomo caves. The journey continues to the valley of geysers – Rotorua. On arrival at Rotorua airport transfer and accommodation in hotel of selected category.
Day 4: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Tour of Rotorua on a personal transport with a guide. You will visit the Rainbow Springs Park jivotni, You will depart to the famous valley of geysers and thermal springs of Whakarewarewa, where you will see the largest active geyser in the southern hemisphere Pohutu and visit the agricultural show, where you will see the famous herding dogs, a haircut and a sheep auction. After the tour free time to explore Rotorua.
Day 5: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Free day in Rotorua. For an extra charge of optional excursions are offered: valley Waimangu; - lake Taupo.
Day 6: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Transfer to Rotorua airport. Flight Rotorua To Queenstown. On arrival in Queenstown, transfer and accommodation in hotel of selected category.
Day 7: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Excursion to Milford Sound in the composition of the English-speaking group (with lunch). You will enjoy a wonderful trip to the valley of fjords. From Queenstown You will drive through the forests and valley to the Mirror lakes. Next Your path lies along a gorgeous scenic road through the valley of Hollyford to the Homer tunnel to Milford Sound. Reseeding on the ship, You can admire the wonderful panorama of mountains and rugged shores, and will see a mountain of Mitre Peak, rising straight from the ocean. Light lunch during the cruise. Return to Queenstown by bus. Wish for an extra charge can return to Queenstown by plane.
Day 8: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Free day in Queenstown. For an extra charge of optional excursions are offered: - Lord Of The Rings; Safari on the river Dart; - wine tasting; - helicopter rides; - for fans of extreme driving on high-speed boats, rafting and bungee jumping.
Day 9: Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Transfer to the airport of Queenstown. Flight to Auckland. Departure from New Zealand.
2) Why are they do the homework?