мои соседи самые лчшие-таким я всех пожелаю,как то раз даже на мое день рождение баба люба испекла такой замечательный торт!А вторая соседка-это моя подруга,мы с ней уже дружем 2 года.Познакомились мы сней как то после двух недель моего приезда,ей 14 лет.Примерно такие отношения с соими соседиями.
1. He is 20 years old 2. I am tired of reading. 3. She is thirsty. 4. He is hungry. 5. I am bored with Englishю 6. He is interested in computers. 7. My mom is angry with me. 8. She is ill. 9. He is in the office. 10. She is in (out). 11. I am at home. 12. She is at work. 13. We are on holiday. 14. He is a student. 15. I am sorry. 16. She is late for the lesson. 17. He is married to her. 18. She is single. 19. He is divorced. 20. I am fond of musicю 21. He is busyю 22. She is free. 23. I am happy (unhappy) 24. You are right. 25. They are wrong. 26. He is from (America). 27. She is good at (English). 28. I am going to do my homework.
There were a hundred and one reasons for me not to go to the concert, But I was still in two minds this morning about whether or not i should go. There was only a one in a million chance I'll see her there, but I wouldn't give up the opportunity. I have decided to go! When I got to the place, I was shocked! Everything was at six and sevens here. And then I saw her, far away in the crowd! "Should I try and get to her or wait for her here?" I asked my friend. "Don't know, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other, anyway". He was right, it made no difference at all! So I stood at my place and waited.
Sorry for it being more than 5 sentences, you can shorten it.
мои соседи самые лчшие-таким я всех пожелаю,как то раз даже на мое день рождение баба люба испекла такой замечательный торт!А вторая соседка-это моя подруга,мы с ней уже дружем 2 года.Познакомились мы сней как то после двух недель моего приезда,ей 14 лет.Примерно такие отношения с соими соседиями.