1. pedestrians have to move on sidewalks or pedestrian paths. 2. passengers do not to have to stick your head out of the car. 3. trams should get round the front, rear trolley buses. 4. you shoud cross the street at the crossing. 5. crossing the road look first to the left then to the right. 6. go on the green light, to red light can not pass. 7. can not push a person standing next to a car) 8. you can not play near the roadway. 9. don't cross between parked cars. 10. always wear your crash helmet while on a motorbike. 11. as for driving: russians drive on the right hand side the road. speed limits for cars cities 60 km/h {= 60 kilometres per hour} towns 40 km/h highways 100 km/h
Всё зависит от темы репортажа.. . Например, выборы Президента Украины (которые состоялись уже, но допустим что это перед выборами) : - Whom would you like to see as the next president of Ukraine? - Do you think the elections are going to be democratic this time? - In your opinion, why Timoshenko doesn't support Yushenko anymore? - Are you going to vote this year? - Do you think your vote will be counted or everything is decided already? - Do you like the current president? If not, please explain why. - Is it reasonable to believe in results of the exit-polls? - If Yanukovich wins, will he bring the stability into the country? - Could you give a reason why many people voting agains everybody this time? - Should elections be held every four years or people should choose a president for a longer period of time?
Всё зависит от темы репортажа.. . Например, выборы Президента Украины (которые состоялись уже, но допустим что это перед выборами) : - Whom would you like to see as the next president of Ukraine? - Do you think the elections are going to be democratic this time? - In your opinion, why Timoshenko doesn't support Yushenko anymore? - Are you going to vote this year? - Do you think your vote will be counted or everything is decided already? - Do you like the current president? If not, please explain why. - Is it reasonable to believe in results of the exit-polls? - If Yanukovich wins, will he bring the stability into the country? - Could you give a reason why many people voting agains everybody this time? - Should elections be held every four years or people should choose a president for a longer period of time?