Summer - my favorite time of year. Finally, end the cold and begin a vacation. In summer you can enjoy the sun and warm days, go on long trips and hikes. Especially nature is beautiful in the summer - noise green leaves forest berries ripen, thrive the most amazing colors. One can endlessly walk through the flowering meadows and enjoy the modest white-daisy or weave a wreath of dandelions. It's nice to go into the woods to escape from the gloom and heat of the day. And if you look closely, the reward for forest walks are sturdy brown mushrooms and proud aspen. And only in the summer come alive rivers and lakes. The water is warm and if it becomes quietly sit on the beach, you can see how over his head fearless flying dragonflies and water scurrying brisk fry. On the shore of the lake is quiet and peaceful - so good to look at the water and enjoy the sun glare on it. And then, together with your friends for a long time to swim and dive off the pier. Summer - the best time to travel. In our country there are many beautiful places that really want to see. Mysterious caves, waterfalls, high mountains and passes ... Everywhere I want to go. In the summer months we always go with my family in a small travel - out of town.
Jim plays football every Saturday. — Джим играет в футбол по субботам. (это его привычка, действие происходит регулярно)
Jim is now playing football so he is not able to talk to you at the moment. — Джим сейчас играет в футбол, поэтому не может сейчас с вами поговорить. (именно в данный момент Джим занят футболом, который еще не закончился)
She is not working at the moment. — Она сейчас не работает.
I am reading a novel by Fedor Dostoevsky. — Я читаю роман Федора Достоевского. (подразумевается, что я начал его читать, но еще не закончил)
She is constantly swearing with her mother. — Она постоянно ругается с матерью.
They are moving to the other city. — Они переезжают в другой город.
В первом предложении-Carrot
Во втором-Potato
и в Последнем-Pumpkin