a) Choose the most suitable answer – A, B or C.
1. It isn’t cold outside. You ___ wear a coat.
A) mustn’t B) can C) needn’t
2. You ___ keep out of that room. It’s private.
A) don’t have to B) mustn’t C) must
3. You ___ fall asleep when you drive a car.
A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) must
4. I’m going to retire soon. Then I won’t work any more.
A) must B) have to C) can
5. You vote in Britain until you are 18.
A) have to B) can C) aren't allowed to
6. You wear a uniform in the army.
A) can B) have to C) mustn’t
7. Tomorrow is a holiday. We go to work.
A) don’t have to B) aren’t allowed to C) have to
8. You ___ ride a bicycle on a motorway in Britain.
A) must B) don’t have to C) can’t
b) Choose the correct answer – A, B or C.
1. It ___ a lovely day tomorrow.
A) can be B) could be C) must be
2. I’m getting fat. I think I ___ eating the wrong kind of food.
A) must be B) can’t be C) can be
3. I’m not sure, but I ___ Sue in town last night.
A) can see B) must have seen C) may have seen
4. Mike ___ driving to London tomorrow. He can’t drive!
A) might be B) can’t be C) must be
5. My letter ___ yesterday, but it didn’t.
A) must have arrived B) may arrive C) should have arrived
6. I can hear footsteps in the flat upstairs, so there ___ someone there.
A) must be B) might be C) can't be
7. We’re very busy tomorrow so we ___ time to visit you. We aren’t sure.
A) could not have B) might not have C) ought to have
8. That girl ___ 20 years old. She looks about 12!
A) may be B) must be C) can’t be
Carbohydrates and proteins in the metabolism of 5. The main thing - is the balance 6. Separate food - a principle with great potential 7. Refined products? - No, thank you! 8. Our most important plant products 9. Inseparable: health and harmony 10. Daily rhythms of digestion CHAPTER II. FOOD AND DISEASES 1. Food, body weight and hormonal status of the body 2.
Food allergies 3. Nutrition and infectious diseases 4. Fats and power 5. Sweet food - bitter retribution Conclusion References Introduction Russia has a low culture of knowledge about nutrition. They are based on the traditional approach of the changes without the composition of foods consumed are not consistent and often contradictory knowledge of human physiology.
Meanwhile, even the father of medicine Hippocrates said that all diseases come through the mouth. The basis of the theory of food combining research famous scientists put Shelton and Bragg. Their work was continued by contemporary American psychologists, who were able to calculate the quantity and quality of the passage of food through the digestive tract. As a result, the approach to healing and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract through restrictions
meal by various diets was found inappropriate. The whole question - how to give your body food, and not to abandon it. The human body has a very large margin. Scientific calculations show that the lifetime can be 400 years old. Young people eat everything and say everything is fine.