He can read this book.this little girl cant jump.can they sleep in the tent.can you close the door.перевод и поставить в конце каждого предложения точку или вопросительный знак,
1. The scientists were offered new themes for research last month. (past simple passive) 2. She is highly paid. (pres simple passive) 3. Candidates will be allowed television time.(future simple passive) 4. This lector is being attentively listened to by students at the moment.(pres cont passive) 5. This recent conference has been initiated by the USA.(pres perf passive) 6. The report had been already made before she entered the hall.(past perf passive) 7. The bridge will have been built by 2020.(fut perf passive) 8. The sales of the company are increased regularly. (pres simple passive)
We visit our parents every Sunday. Мы посещаем своих родителей каждое воскресенье. He studied Spanish last year. Он изучал Испанский в году. School started at half past eight. Школа начинается в пол восьмого. They played football yesterday. Они вчера играли в футбол. Nina likes eggs. Нино любит яйца. They baby cry very often. Их ребенок очень часто плачет. My brother watches television every morning. Мой брат смотрит телевизор каждое утро. Bob needed that book yesterday. Бобу была нужна эта книга вчера. The earth bees round. Земля кружится. They stopped the car in front of the restaurant and went there. Они остановили машину перед рестораном и ушли.
2. Эта маленькая девочка не может прыгать.
3. Могут ли они спать в палатке?
4. Можешь ли ты закрыть дверь?