I am writing my exercise now. Look!father is washing the car. where is mother?She is in the kitchen.She is making salad. tom is drinking tea in the living room at the moment. the boys are riding their bikes in the park now. julie and sue are playing hopscotch in the yard at the moment. Be quiet!The baby is sleeping.
I haven't written you for a long time, sorry! Now I'm writing to you, because I wanna tell you how do I spend the New Year. It's the most favourite holiday of mine! Everything on the streets is covered with thick snow, and also I have winter vacation. On the 29th of Dec. me and my family always decorate the Christmas Tree! It's all in bright lights and fantastic balls and toys. Looks great! Then I'm helping my Mom to cook pasta and a turkey, some salad and fruits, while dad is decorating the house. On the 31th we gather all together and giving the presents to each other. It's literally the best moment! After having a holiday dinner, we all come out on the streets and watch fireworks in the sky! And how do you spend the New Year with your family! What presents do you want to buy them this year? Write me soon, With love and best greetings, (свое имя)
Россия - страна с бурной многовековой историей и богатой культурой. Некоторые архитектурные и историко-культурные памятники на территории РФ внесены в список объектов Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО, в том числе Московский Кремль и Красная площадь, исторический центр Санкт-Петербурга и дворцово-парковые комплексы его окрестностей, исторические памятники Новгорода, историко-культурный комплекс Соловецких островов, белокаменные памятники древней Владимиро-Суздальской земли и городов "Золотого Кольца России", церковь Бориса и Глеба в Кидекше, Троице-Сергиева Лавра в Сергиевом Посаде, Церковь Вознесения в Коломенском, Государственный историко-архитектурный и этнографический музей-заповедник "Кижи" и др.Исторические места - Москва, Новгород, Бородино, Ростов Великий, Смоленск, Псков, Тула, Рязань, Орел, Волгоград, многочисленные города Сибири - в каждом из них (да и во множестве других мест страны) обязательно найдется что посмотреть.
Look!father is washing the car.
where is mother?She is in the kitchen.She is making salad.
tom is drinking tea in the living room at the moment.
the boys are riding their bikes in the park now.
julie and sue are playing hopscotch in the yard at the moment.
Be quiet!The baby is sleeping.