Hi, Ira!
Hi, Misha. You'll never guess what happend to me.
What is it? You look a little upset.
Oh, my god. I had a shock.
Really? What happend to you?
I was at the shop and i heard that anyone's shouting. I was scared And i fall down all my products i bought
Oh, what was that? Maybe it was a shopfilter?
No, i asked a staff, working there, they said "No, it's just a small girl, she wanted to sleep, but he couldn't , beacuse there was a lot of noise". Then i saw this girl, and mum bought her a toy, and she was happy!
Oh, this is a good story with a good end. But what happend to your purchase?
They are safe!
That's great!
1)Что более приятно: делать подарки или получать их?
3)У природы есть много секретов, которые предстоит открыть.
2) Он хочет научить вас испанскому языку.
4)Извините, что беспокою вас.
5) ребёнок любит, что бы ему читали