Написать про погоду,надо рассказать о сегодняшней погоде,например: всем доброе утро,меня в москве будет облачно,ожидается дождь,будет-1 с вами была скоро увидимся! можно про такую погоду?
Welcome today is expected to minus five in Moscow, the reason for that northern tseklon which will last five days, but after ten will be a plus on this forecast in Moscow ends luck and goodbye
Good morning! My name is Kelly. Today in Moscow the weather is rainy and overcast. People, everyone goes on their business and their faces are sad and worried looks. Pouring cold and drizzling rain that small drops fall on heads of passers-by. Wind sharp and piercing sneaks through. Although very cold and damp, but the air is fresh and smells of wet grass. Through the gray and thick clouds did not see a single ray of sunshine. Tomorrow the weather in Moscow promises to be a rainy and soggy.
Batman is one of the most popular heroes of DC Comics Universe. First time he was mentioned in Detective Comics No27 in May, 1939. He has no special powers or abilities. His true name is Bruce Wayne and he's a billionaire. He's a very clever and well-educated man. So, all his "powers" are created by himself. As usual, he overcomes his enemies with stratagem and his self-created weapons. Also he is famous with his Batmobile. It's a great car with incredible abilities. It's also made by himself. He's also known as Dark Knight. Gotham is the city, protected by Batman. Joker is his most famous enemy. I think he's one of the greatest heroes in all comics Universe.
Living in the slums is hard. People there have no comfortable homes, no jobs and a lot of free time. All these lead to misery and crime. To improve life in the slums means to demolish them completely. But this is too radical and costly. If this is not possible, improvements can start with finding jobs for the people who live in the slums. If they have work, they will have money to buy food, clothes and will finally rent better apartments to live in. Another way to improve slums is to repair the houses and to build better new houses. Providing opportunities for better education for the children from the slums can finally result in their leaving the slums and living happier life elsewhere.