A. Mystery
B. body
C. documentary
D. summit
E. feat
Mystery - something strange or not known that has not yet been explained or understood(что-то странное или неизвестное, что не было объяснено или понято. Можно перевести как : тайна/секрет/загадка)
Body - the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal(вся физическая структура , формирующая человека или животного. Проще говоря - тело.)
Documentary - a film or television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject(фильм или телевизионная/радио программа, которая даёт информацию и факты о предмете.)
Summit - the highest point of a mountain(самая высокая точка горы. Т.е вершина горы) [В этом задании используется именно это значение]
an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries(важная официальная встреча между лидерами государств двух или более стран)
Feat - something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it(что-то сложное, требующее немалых навыков, силы, мужества и т.д для достижения этого. Т.е подвиг)
As for me, one of the most usefull way to learn foreign language its to move to the country language of which ypu wanna learn. You will always hear this language and your brain will adapt to it, also it is the easiest way to lear prononciation. But not all can affotd this, thats why i prefer wathing films and reading books on its original version, and write into textboos unknown words for me. A lot of my friends also visiting online free courses. So to cut long story short, if you want to learn unknown for you language you could find all the ways to do it.
Як на мене, один із найкорисніших ів вивчення іноземної мови - це переїзд до мови країни, яку ви хотіли б вивчити. Ви завжди будете чути цю мову, і ваш мозок пристосується до неї, це також найпростіший іб навчитися вимові . Але не всі можуть це собі дозволити, тому я вважаю за краще переглядати фільми та читати книги в їхній оригінальній версії, а також писати у словарь слова невідомі для мене. Багато моїх друзів також відвідують безкоштовні онлайн -курси. Отже, якщо коротко розповісти, якщо ви хочете вивчити невідому для вас мову, ви можете знайти всі можлив це зробити.
2. She is still sleeping. She's been sleeping already for two hours.
3. She is still doing his homework. He has been doing his homework already for three hours.
4. The boys are still playing football. They have been playing football for fourty minutes already.
5. They girls are still changing. They've been changing already for half an hour.
6. She still learns Spanish. She has been learning Spanish already for two years.
7. They still live in the countryside. They have been living in the countryside already for four months.
8. She is still talking on the phone. She has been talking on the phone for twenty minutes already.
9. My brother is still solving this difficult task. He has been solving this task already for half an hour.
10. She is still writing a letter to her granny. She has been writing a letter to her granny already for an hour.
11. They are still catching the fish. They've been catching the fish already for five hours.
12. Grandparents are still playing lotto. They have been playing lotto already for two hours.
13. The actors are still rehearsing this scene. They have been rehearsing this scene already for three hours.
14. The children are still running in the yard. They have been running in the yard already for three hours.
15. He is still writing his new book. He has been writing his new book already for two years.
16. He is still learning Hamlet's soliloquy. He has been learning Hamlet's soliloquy already for two days.
17. We are still repairing our flat. We have been repairing our flat already for half a month.