1) People can wear mittens, fur coats and fur caps in the streets in winter.
Люди могут носить варежки, меховое пальто и меховую шапку на улице зимой.
2) People can wear gloves, raincoats and boots in autumn.
Люди могут носить перчатки, плащи и сапоги осенью.
3) People can wear suits, white shirts and ties in the office.
Люди могут носить костюмы, белые рубашки и галстуки в офисe.
4) People can wear slippers, dressing gowns and nighties at home.
Люди могут носить тапочки, халаты и ночные рубашки дома.
5) People can wear jeans, leggings and trainers in the gym.
Люди могут носить джинсы , леггинсы и коссовки в спортзале.
6) People can wear skirts, blouses and dresses at school.
Люди могут носить юбки, блузки и платья в школе.
He asked if books had been first printed in the 15th century.
b) Did printers start printing books in three countries at the same time?
He asked if printers had started printing books in three countries at the same time.
c) Can anyone read books on CDs these days?
He wanted to know if anyone could read books on CDs those days.
d) Did Columbus discover America five centuries ago?
He wondered if Columbus had discovered America five centuries before.
e) Does the Internet provide us with access to any library all over the world?
He asked if the Internet provided us with access to any library all over the world.
f) Didn't people living in one part of the world know much about the life of people in their neighbouring countries not long ago?
He wondered if people living in one part of the world hadn't known much about the life of people in their neighbouring countries not long before.