Нужно просмотреть видиоурок , и выписать все достопромечательности лондона , из этого видиоурока о каторых там ижет речь. видеоурок - . , нужно , 30 , до 21: 00 или 22: 00 нужно решение , ♥ зарание (ссылку на видио урок я скину в коментарии)
1. My mum won't let me ( go) out tonight. 2. Are you going to have a cake ( made) for your birthday? 3. Sarah asked what we ( liked) to do later that evening. 4. We hope (to have finished) building our house soon. 5. If they (had warned) us, we wouldn't have gone there. 6. The result (will be announced) later tonight. 7. We were told (not to cheat). 8. I wish we (had told) the police last night. 9. Why (were not we given) more time in yesterday's exam? 10. We're interested in (finding out) more about my friend's family.
I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in the September issue of the Big Sport magazine. Our school activity club is planning a river-rafting trip next month and I would appreciate some more information about your club.
Could you tell me how many people can go on your trip? There are about twenty planning to go in our group. I wonder if that wouldn't be too many.
As we will probably just go for a day I also want to know what it costs for a whole day of rafting per person.
Finally, is it necessary to take any special safety precautions to go rafting? Obviously we will want to be properly prepared and equipped before we start.
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