What is the average life of a human in years?
Какова средняя продолжительность жизни человека в годах?
a 77
What is the approximate population of the planet?
Каково приблизительное население планеты?
d 7 billion
d 7 миллиардов
What is the distance from London to New York?
Какое расстояние от Лондона до Нью-Йорка?
b 5,585 kilometres
b 5 585 километров
How many millimetres are there in a kilometre?
Сколько миллиметров в километре?
b 1,000,000
How many years are there in a millennium?
Сколько лет в тысячелетии?
a 1.000
How much time does the average child in Britain
watch TV every day?
Сколько времени проводит средний ребенок в Великобритании
смотреть телевизор каждый день?
3 hours
3 часа
What distance is a marathon running race?
Какая дистанция является марафонским забегом?
b 42.195 kilometres
b 42.195 километров
How many minutes are there in three quarters of an hour?
Сколько минут осталось в трех четвертях через час?
с 45
What was the year of the first Olympic Games?
В каком году были первые Олимпийские игры?
a 776
What is the number pi (m)?
Что такое число pi (m)?
b 3.142
Once John and Mary decided to go on a journey. They wanted to find out why anacondas started disappearing on the planet. They went to investigate a rare disease of giant anacondas in the rainforest.
Mary and John checked about 100 snakes . They found a rare tropical virus, tropivirus. This disease is not treat.
Tropivirus appeared in 1876 in Africa.
And after a century, two researchers, Mary and John, recorded a high percentage of infection with the virus.
This was an incredible discovery for all the professors.
As a result, Mary and John were awarded medals for the Discovery of the century.
Yes, it was.