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Hello, I want to tell you about famous French museum called Louvre. It is one of the biggest museums in the world, the square of this museum is about 160 000 square meters! It is located in the capital of France-in Paris. Also this museum is really old, it was opened in 1793, during the French Revolution and was called "The Museum of Napoleon". At the openning this museum had 2500 pictures. Also Louvre has a plenty of sculptures, the most popular sculpture in Louvre is the Venus de Milo, this sculpture was found by French ambassador in Turkey. Also, we mustn`t forget that the Louvre is enormously popular because of works of Leonardo da Vinchi, usually people travel to France only because of Mona Lisa, almost everyone wants to see this picture. So, we can say that the Louvre is one of the most precious museums in the world, and we must be thankful that we can enjoy the works of the great masters of past.
Is London the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the Thames? In the West End there are many Famous museums and theatres, palaces and parks, aren't there? What is the place where the English Government and Parliament sit? What is the heart of the West End? Is the British Museum one of the most famous museum of the world? Which Palace is know all over the world to be the home of Britain’s Kings and queens? Who was the first to make the Palace her official residence? Is St. Paul’s Cathedral the masterpiece of the well – known English architect Christopher Wren?