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23.11.2020 01:49 •  Английский язык

1. выберите и обведите правильный вариант. 1. ann …… a cat. a)is b) has got c) can 2. tom has got a ……… a) fox b) rabbits c) cats 3. tom ……..seven. a) can b) is c) has got 4. tim has got six …… a) pin b) pan c) pigs 5. ann ……..slim. a) is b) has got c) can 6. ……..tram is big. a) tim b) tim’s c) ten 7. ……….jims rabbit? a) it is b) is it c) can 8. is it a pan? -yes, ………. a) it is b) it isn t c) it can 9. sam ……..swim. a) is b) has got c) can 10. nick ……… a bag. a) isn’t b) can t c) hasn’t got

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1 Kate often rings up her mother in London, she studies at the Manchester


2 What time does he usually has dinner?

3 When I get home I make a cup of coffee and turn on TV.

4 It is half past ten now. John is outside and checks his car. He says he will be ready in an hour or so.

5 We must hurry or we won't catch the train.

6 How long have you been waiting for me?


1 When I was 20, I went to the United States. Travelling by (-) plane was too expensive, so I decided to travel by (-) coach.

2 I’ve just bought a car. And where is the car you bought last year?

3 It was such a wonderful performance that we applauded for fifteen minutes.

4 They are discussing the matter at the moment.

5 We used to walk a lot when we didn’t have a car.


1 How do you usually get to University?

2 Why don’t you write in ink?

3 He finally decided to give up smoking.

4 They had to put off the wedding because of his father’s illness.

5 She’s been learning Grammar for 3 months.


1 He was in no need for help.

2 I think this video film is less interesting than that one.

3 All work was done in one day.

4 Would you like some more juice?

5 I was tired and so were the others.


1 The hotel was neither comfortable nor clean.

2 The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.

3 Could I borrow your camera?

4 How long has she been learning Italian?

5 It had stopped raining by the evening.


A lot of Japanese parents arrange marriages for their children. This is

because they feel that marriage affects not only the young couple but the

whole family. They believe that it is important that the young people

have the same interests and that they come from the same social

background. A lot of arranged marriages are successful

and help the tradition of the Japanese family to continue.

4,7(42 оценок)
Once upon a time, somewhere on the outskirts of a small town, a family lived. Every New Year, they left their house to see the festive salutes coming from its very center. They barely had enough money for food, so the New Year's Eve and the New Year itself were the only days when the family could take a break from worries. A little boy named Sam never allowed himself to miss such a sight as a salute. For him it was a fairy tale in reality! "Mom, Mom!" - he said a thin, fair-haired woman in a cheap fur coat, - "Look, Mom! How beautiful are the festive lights in the sky!" - repeated the boy, holding the sleeve of sheepskin coat. His grandmother heard the words of his grandson, looked around - no one was watching, everyone was passionate about colorful lights. She took out a green bill from a hole in her pocket and handed it to the boy. "Hold it, Sam. Take it and buy what you want." - Sam clearly puffed up his grandmother's hoarse words, let go of his mother's sleeve and ran deep into the city. Beside him, large and small houses and shops decorated from head to toe flew by. Sam had no mittens; he was wearing pants and a his dad's big jacket. He went to the store and went to the seller. "Hello, sir. Please give me the biggest firework display!" - the boy began to speak with a tall bearded man. "Sorry, boy, but you can't buy the biggest fireworks with this money," the salesman answered him. "Then give me what you can." - not a bit disappointed, the boy continued the conversation with the man. The seller scratched his beard and, after a few seconds, reached into the far cabinet of the counter. He took out some kind of pack with painted lights on a stick. "What is it?" the boy asked him. "This is Bengal lights. And here's something else for them." - The seller reached into his pocket, took out a box of matches and handed it to Sam. "Thank you, sir! You are so kind!" - the boy thanked him. "You're welcome. Now go, your family is waiting for you!" - the man smiled at the boy and he ran back to his house. He walked over to his grandmother and handed her the lights and a matchbox. A smile appeared on the old woman’s face and she pulled one match out of the box. She then opened the pack of Bengal lights, took out her wand and lit it. The wand lit up with beautiful fire, and the boy's eyes lit up with joy. He called mom and dad to look at the magic spectacle, hugged them and did not notice how he fell asleep in a sweet dream.


Однажды, где-то на окраине маленького городка жила семья.Каждый Новый год они выходили из своего домика, чтобы поглядеть на праздничные салюты, исходящие из самого его центра.У них еле хватало денег на еду, поэтому канун Нового года и сам Новый год были единственными днями, когда семья могли отдохнуть от забот.Маленький мальчишка по имени Сэм ни разу не позволял себе пропускать такое зрелище, как салют.Для него это была сказка на яву!"Мама, мама!"- говорил он худой, светловолосой женщине в дешёвой шубке, - "Посмотри, мама! Как красивы праздничные огоньки в небе!"- повторял мальчик, держась за рукав дублёнки.Его бабушка услышала слова внука, оглянулась - никто не смотрит, все увлечены красочными огнями.Она достала из дырявого кармана зелёную купюру и протянула её мальчику."Держи, Сэм. Возьми её и купи то, что ты хочешь."- Сэм отчётливо рассышал хриплые слова бабушки, отпустил рукав мамы и побежал в глубь города.Рядом с ним проносились большие и маленькие, украшенные с ног до головы дома и магазины.Варежек у Сэма не было, он был одет в штанишки и большую папину куртку.Он зашёл в магазин и подошёл к продавцу." Здравствуйте, дяденька. Дайте мне самый большой фейерверк!"- заговорил мальчик с высоким бородатым мужчиной."Прости, мальчик, но на эти деньги нельзя купить самый большой фейерверк" - ответил ему продавец."Тогда дайте мне то, что можно."- ни капли не разочаровавшись продолжил беседу с мужчиной мальчик.Продавец почесал бороду и через несколько секунд полез в дальний шкавчик прилавка.Он достал какую-то пачку с нарисованными огнями на палочке."Что это?"- спросил его мальчик."Это - бенгальские огни. И вот тебе для них кое-что ещё."- продавец полез в карман, достал оттуда коробочку спичек и протянул её Сэму." сэр! Вы так добры!"- поблагодарил его мальчик."Не за что. А теперь ступай, твоя семья ждёт тебя!"- мужчина улыбнулся мальчику и тот убежал обратно в свой домик.Он подошёл к бабушке и протянул ей огни и спичечный коробок.На лице старушки появилась улыбка и она достала из коробка одну спичку.Затем она раскрыла пачку с бенгальскими огнями, вынула палочку и зажгла.Палочка загорелась красивым огнём, а глаза мальчика загорелись радостью.Он позвал маму с папой посмотреть на волшебное зрелище, обнял их и сам не заметил, как уснул сладким сном.
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