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Ix. составьте предложения no следующим образцам, используя данные слова и словосочетания. образцы: 1. he’s supposed to come to see us to morrow. 2. he was supposed to be here in the eve ning, wasn’t he? 3. she wasn’t supposed to know about it. 4. who was supposed to do it? 5. people aren’t supposed to smoke here. to produce a ticket; to lend books (money, skis, skates); to stay with smb.; to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port); to introduce smb. to smb.; to give a talk on smth.; to see smb. home; to accompany smb. to the theatre; to look after the matter (children); to look through the letters (articles)

1. He's supposed to  produce a ticket tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to produce a ticket in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to produce a ticket.
4. Who was supposed to produce a ticket?
5. People aren't supposed to produe a ticket.

1. He's supposed to lend books (money, skis, skates) tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to lend books (money, skis, skates)in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to lend books (money, skis, skates).
4. Who was supposed to lend books (money, skis, skates)?
5. People aren't supposed to lend books (money, skis, skates).

1. He's supposed to stay with smb tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to stay with smb in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to stay with smb.
4. Who was supposed to stay with smb?
5. People aren't supposed to stay with smb.

1. He's supposed to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port) tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port) in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port).
4. Who was supposed to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port)?
5. People aren't supposed to arrive at a hotel (at a station, port).

1. He's supposed to introduce smb. to smb tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to introduce smb. to smb in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to introduce smb. to smb.
4. Who was supposed to introduce smb. to smb?
5. People aren't supposed to introduce smb. to smb.

1. He's supposed to give a talk on smth tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to give a talk on smth in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to give a talk on smth.
4. Who was supposed to  give a talk on smth?
5. People aren't supposed to  give a talk on smth.

1. He's supposed to  see smb. home tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to see smb. home in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to  see smb. home.
4. Who was supposed to   see smb. home?
5. People aren't supposed to  see smb. home.

1. He's supposed to  see smb. home tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to see smb. home in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to  see smb. home.
4. Who was supposed to   see smb. home?
5. People aren't supposed to  see smb. home.

1. He's supposed to accompany smb. to the theatre tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to accompany smb. to the theatre in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to accompany smb. to the theatre.
4. Who was supposed to  accompany smb. to the theatre?
5. People aren't supposed to  accompany smb. to the theatre.

1. He's supposed to  look after the matter (children) tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to  look after the matter (children) in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to  look after the matter (children).
4. Who was supposed to  look after the matter (children)?
5. People aren't supposed to  look after the matter (children)

1. He's supposed to look through the letters (articles) tomorrow.
2. He was supposed to look through the letters (articles) in the evening, wasn't he?
3. She wasn't supposed to look through the letters (articles).
4. Who was supposed to look through the letters (articles)?
5. People aren't supposed to look through the letters (articles)
4,8(33 оценок)
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Современные подростки идут в ногу с новейшими технологиями и тенденциями. Они хотят, чтобы у них было как можно больше гаджетов и различных принадлежностей. Очевидно, что такие вещи, как мобильные телефоны, компьютеры, Айпады, модная одежда, различные аксессуары недешево стоят. Производители каждый год производят новейшие и усовершенствованные модели, поэтому цены не снижаются. Вот почему большинство подростков решают найти работу. Лучшим решением для них является неполный рабочий день, так как они должны посвящать определенное время на обучения в школе или колледже. Некоторые подростки работают только по выходным или праздникам. Несмотря на то, что оплата небольшая, она все же покрывает некоторые их расходы, например, отдых, развлечение, образование, дополнительные курсы, модные джинсы, путешествия, последние модели цифровых новинок и т.д. Какая же работа лучше для подростков? Почти в каждом городе можно увидеть их распространяющими на улицах листовки. Некоторые из них работают в пищевой сфере, например, как кухонный или официант. Другие работают в качестве промоутеров в торговых центрах. Некоторые подростки работают продавцами-консультантами. В эпоху научно-технического прогресса есть множество возможностей заработка в Интернете. Подростки могут обрабатывать электронные данные, работать на телефоне, отвечать на электронные письма в качестве секретаря и выполнять много других полезных работ. В принципе, все зависит от их желания заработать дополнительные деньги. Сегодня многие компании пользуются услугами молодежи для организации презентации своей продукции. В этом случае молодые работники не только раздают листовки с приглашениями, но и создают правильную атмосферу для презентации, всячески с этим событием. Как правило, для того, чтобы получить работу, они должны предоставить паспорт, медицинскую справку и письменное согласие родителей.
4,4(4 оценок)
I was working for 30 years.
i was walking while my cousin was working on her project
my mum was working as a teacher for 15 years
we were walking all day
i was studying in university 4 years befor i started to work
my aunt was doing something for long hours
my brother was having dinner while i was listenung to music
we were playing football last Sunday
i was doing the washing up when my mum got home
was he doing his homework yestarday?
Did your mum got home while you were playing tennis?
what were you doing while your sister was at school last friday?
i was not doing my homework while my dad was rereading his favourite book.
I was walking along the street when i suddenly saw my bestfriend
i was doing hand-made while my brother was cleaning his room
i was not smoking when my mum saw me
i was doing my test when my young cousin was trying to climb the fridge
i was trying to finish my test on time
i was looking for someone who can give me a hand
i was not cleaning my room last mounth
4,5(5 оценок)
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