Once upon a time, there lived a camel whose name was George.He has travelled a lot through the desert looking for a friend but nobody wanted to speak with him? beacous they think that he was ugly.He went and went and went ? and after a while he saw a human.It was a man with fair hair Like camel^s, and dark-blue eyes like cammel^s too.They understood that they were not so different? and after it they became the best friends.
это типо сказка, я не поняла что тебе нужно -повествовательный рассказ о какомто животном или вот такая вот сказка, история.
1)Frank said thet he was living in London earlier 2)Frank said thet his father wasn`t very well 3)Frank said thet Sharon and Paul were getting marryied the following month 4)Frank said that Margaret had had a baby 5)Frank said thet he had seen Helen at the party and she had seemed fine 6)He said that he hadn`t seen Diana recently 7)He said thet he wasn`t enjoing his work very much 8)He said that I could come and stay at his flat if i was in London 9)hE SAID THAT HIS CAR HAD stolen a few weeks ago 10)He said that he would tell Ann that i had seen you
1) Её длинные волосы были заплетены в косы. 2) Это был полный мужчина, лет сорока пяти, с крупным горбатым носом и родинкой у левого глаза. 3) Мальчик носит короткую стрижку. 4) У девочки было круглое лицо, усыпанное веснушками, русые короткие волосы и большие серые глаза. 5) Худощавый мальчик с кривой улыбкой смотрел на меня. 6) Я ненавидел этого стройного, угловатого учителя с маленькими глазками. 7) На меня смотрели печальные голубые глаза, чуть прикрытые длинной челкой. 8) Моим соседом был крепко сложенный юноша со сломанным горбатым носом и шрамом на щеке. 9) Я видел только волосы пепельного цвета, собранные в два неаккуратных хвостика. 10) Седой старик с сухими руками, седыми редкими волосами и многочисленными морщинами смотрел на меня.
Once upon a time, there lived a camel whose name was George.He has travelled a lot through the desert looking for a friend but nobody wanted to speak with him? beacous they think that he was ugly.He went and went and went ? and after a while he saw a human.It was a man with fair hair Like camel^s, and dark-blue eyes like cammel^s too.They understood that they were not so different? and after it they became the best friends.
это типо сказка, я не поняла что тебе нужно -повествовательный рассказ о какомто животном или вот такая вот сказка, история.