My best friend is now playing computer games, and now has time to do his homework on Mathematics. Now he is looking at both the monitor and the exercisebook at the same time.I said to him: "Look, there your cat is running away!"And my best friend is now looking away from the monitor. I, at the moment, quickly turn off his computer.
Мой лучший друг.
Мой лучший друг сейчас играет в компьютерные игры, и успевает в данный момент делать своё домашнее задание по Математике. Сейчас он смотрит одновременно и в монитор, и в учебник.Я сказал ему: "Посмотри, там твой кот убегает!"И мой лучший друг сейчас отводит глаза от монитора. Я же, в данный момент, быстро выключаю его компьютер.
My holidays began on the 28th of December. I am in a good mood because New Year’s Day and two weeks of the rest will come soon. I like festive bustle. In the first day of our holidays I and my sister decorated our flat and we also decorated the Christmas tree in the evening. There is a tradition in our family: we all go skiing to the forest in the morning in the last day of the year. We enjoy beauty of the forest, breath fresh air and have a great time. Usually our walk takes us two hours. Then we begin to prepare for holiday. In the first day of January we went to celebrate our grandmother and grandfather and next day we went to street festivities at city square. The whole holidays I and my sister were spending much time in the street. We could go skating, having a fight with snowballs or making a snowman. Also we walked in the snow-covered park. I liked my winter