In 1896 the French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel (was)
investigating uranium salts. He accidentally left a bit of uranium lying on some photographic plates - glass plates which were used in photography before film was (invented).
(Because*) the plates were wrapped in thick black paper to protect them from light, after some time Becquerel found out that they had been exposed, just as if they had been lying in the sun. He asked himself how this (had) happened. He repeated the experiment and finally (came) to the conclusion that the uranium salt emitted unknown rays, similar (to) X-rays, which could pass through thick black paper. In this way radioactivity (was) discovered.
The story shows some important qualities of a scientist's mind: the desire to understand why something happens the way it does, and the imagination which made Becquerel (think) of a new, original explanation. In 1903, Henri Becquerel won the Nobel (prize) in Physics for his discovery.
for a run. Usually I take 12 to 13 minutes to jog around the lake in my
neighborhood. On Sundays, when traffic is light, I run for 30 min on quiet streets
of the residential area adjacent to the lake. The run is very relaxing, and
helps me to take on the day. Initially it took some effort to run every day,
but for the past two years I fell into the routine, and now it became very
natural for me to run daily. Now I concentrate on increasing my speed and
endurance, so I can take part in the upcoming competition.
Я люблю бегать. Каждое утро я просыпаюсь около 5 утра и иду на пробежку. Обычно у меня уходит от 12 до 13 минут, чтобы оббежать вокруг озера в моем районе. По воскресеньям, когда мало машин на дорогах, я бегаю в течение 30 мин на тихих улицах жилом районе, прилегающем к озеру. Пробег очень расслабляет, и мне начать день. По-началу требовалось заставлять себя бегать каждый день, но в течение последних двух лет я впал в рутину, и теперь это стало очень естественно для меня. Теперь я сосредоточиваюсь на увеличении скорости и выносливости, чтобы принять участие в предстоящем конкурсе.