Это не слишком упрощенный процесс.
I like is volleyball.
Volleyball means "flying ball." "The center of the volleyball game was Helioque, USA. It happened in 1895. William Morgan, a college teacher, raised the tennis court along two poles during the lesson and showed the students how to play the ball alternately and demanded that the students repeat it. does.
Volleyball is a game that has been popular among our people since the 1930s.
The peculiarity of volleyball is its collective nature, which is a key factor in the education of young people and the main form of organization of children's lives in our society. For the full development of the individual, the team must have a favorable environment.
1. glasses
2. A species
3. shorts
4. a means
5. means
6. scissors
7. a series
8. series
9. species
1. does
2. don't
3. want
4. was
5. aren't
6. wasn't
7. is
8. isn't
9. they are
10. are very friendly
11. do
12. is
1. The government wants to increase taxes.
2. Jenny is wearing _ black jeans today.
3. Russia is playing with England in a football match next week.
4. I like Joe and Nora. They’re very nice people.
5. I need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds isn’t enough.
6. I’m going to buy _ new pajamas.
7. The committee hasn’t made a decision yet.
8. There was a policeman directing traffic in the street.
9. What are the police going to do?
10. These scissors aren’t very sharp.
Это не слишком упрощенный процесс.