Some people borrow money to pay for goods and services, some hope that they will win a lottery. Personally, I want to make money honestly and then I’ll be able to save some money.
I am neither rich nor very poor and have to be careful with my money. If I were wealthy, I would regularly give a great deal of money for charity. Unfortunately, I cannot do that because I must be frugal. I have a bank account but I use cash every day as a method of payment. I do my shopping at discount stores. Such stores often do special offers. At such stores it is possible to find things, which are normally expensive, at cheap prices.
However, I believe that a lot of people with high incomes don’t spend too much. It’s mostly those with low incomes who try to seem richer than they really are.
1)Copies of the contract was sent to London.
2)The last leaves fell from the trees.
3)The women standing by the window is our secretaries.
Правило ( Если надо )
1)Если заканчивается на буквы -o,ch,s,x,ss то добовляем окончание -ES ( tomatoes, churches и так далее )
2)Если слова иноязычного происхождения, то добавляем окончание -S ( типо на русском килограмм сокращённо кило, и на английском оно kilo, значит пишем во множественном числе kilos )
3)Если заканчивается на -y, а перед ним согласная, то -у заменяем на -ies ( baby - babies )
4) Если заканчивается на -у, а перед ним гласная, то добавляем -s ( boy-boys )
5)Если заканчивается на -f или на -fe, то изменяем на -ves ( wolf-wolves, life - lives )
2. If my sister borrows my clothes again, l'll scream!
3. We'll leave at six o 'clock if the weather is bad
4. They won't mind if we're bit late this afternoon
5. Sarah will be very annoyed if Dave doesn't call her this evening
6. Will you still go to the concert if the tickets cost 60 euros
7. If Rania doesnt 't come to the party, Greg will be upset. (если вопрос, то - will Greg be upset?)
8. l'll be surprised if Doug and Dana don't get a new car soon.