Написать определения слов: ну например вдова это женщина у которой умер муж но только на widow-вдова, to explore-исследовать, to guarantee-гарантировать, slave-раб, to recognize-узнавать, mansion-особняк.
1) Widow - the womah whose spouse has died and who has not remarried. 2) Explore - to search into. 3) Guarantee - a promise or assurance. 4) Slave - one who is subservient to or controlled by another. 5) to recognize - to come upon or discover by searching 6) mansion - a large stately house
Hello. I'd like to describe you my perfect holiday. It is when my parents and I are near the sea/ Every day we wake up in the morning and have breakfast with eggs, bread and a kot of kinds of different fruits. After breakfast we go to the beach and swim a lot. Then we have a sunbath. During the day we play games with the ball, build sun castles. In the evening we have delicious dinner. After that we dancing or walking down the street in town, look to the local sights or watch the TV in the hotel. Before go to bed I read interesting book and listen to the music. That's my perfect holiday's day.
Смотри, это пример письма по формату ЕГЭ. Обязательно должен присутствовать абзац, где ты задаешь встречные вопросы по указанной теме, но так как у тебя тема для вопросов не указана, я задала наобум.
(Город) Russia 8th July, 2015
Dear Dan,
Thanks for writing to me. Sorry, I haven't been in touch for so long.
As for your questions about my reading preferences, well, you know, I'm keen on horror stories because they're usually breathtaking. In my view, physics has always been a prior field of science and I guess it will stay vital in the future as the technological progress mostly depends on this science. However, I believe people won't take activities in 50 years as they're getting lazier and lazier, so drawing, photographing and singing are likely to become the only people's hobbies.
That's exciting that your brother's entered the university. How far is it from your home? What subjects can be studied there? How many students are going to this university?
Sorry, I must go now. My sister wants me to play with her.
2) Explore - to search into.
3) Guarantee - a promise or assurance.
4) Slave - one who is subservient to or controlled by another.
5) to recognize - to come upon or discover by searching
6) mansion - a large stately house