-Hello,could I please speak to Mr Robe? -I m at phone. Who do I speak to? -My name is Elena and I am calling you from a restaurant "Burger and Lobster" where you was having a dinner tonight. -Oh,Elena,hello! I did not recognize your voice. Whats the matter? -Mr Robe you have accidently forgotten your passport and a folder with other documents. You have left it on the table. -Oh my God?! Did I? I have not even realized! -Do not worry,it is found.We can send it to the hotel if you provide us an adress or you can collect it from a restaurant. -Elena,you are my savior! I have a flight tomorrow, what would I do without my documents! I will collect it myself tomorrow.Thank you for cantacting me! -You are welcome.See you tomorrow.
As zaznachaetsya in various chronicles, they came here from the Danube and the Carpathians. Those who settled on the Dnieper began to be called clearings, and those which veins in the woods - Drevlyane. The word "Russia" in the eastern Slavs came here with the arrival of the Vikings from Scandinavia, who belonged to the tribe rus.Snachala word "Rus" are the members of the upper layer rosiyskogo society, mainly the prince's wife, who was from the same Vikings and merchants Vikings, which until then roziyshlisya in many cities and. villages of the eastern Slavs.
1) peo-ple
2) A-pril
3) ad-vice
4) tri-fle
5) stud-y
6) our
7) a-gain