1. We have a large family. 2. My granny often tells us long interesting stories. 3. My father is an engineer. He works at a factory. The factory is large. 4. My mother is a doctor. She works at a large hospital. She is at work now. 5. My aunt is a teacher. She works at school. The school is good. My aunt is not at school now. She is at home. She is drinking tea and eating jam. The jam is sweet. I am at home too. I am drinking tea and eating a sandwich. The sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is at school. She is a pupil. 7. My cousin has a big black cat. My cousin’s cat has two kittens. The cat likes milk. The kittens like milk too. 8. I am an engineer. 9. My son is a pupil. 10. He is a good pupil. 11. This is a house. 12. This is my pencil. 13. You have some pencils, but I have no pencil. Give me a pencil, please.
Прикладная физика - applied physics;
передача и прием информации - transmission and reception of information; поток электронов - the flow of electrons;
трудно представить - it is difficult to imagine;
научные исследования - scientific research;
промышленное проектирование - industrial designing;
вычислять траекторию космических кораблей - calculate the trajectories of space-ships;
обнаруживать явления природы - discover phenomena of nature;
благодаря электронике - due to electronics;
отправная точка - the starting point;
управлению сигналами - assist in manipulation of signals;
быстрый рост - rapid growth;
разнообразие ламп - variety of tubes;
создание первых компьютеров - creation of early computers;
полностью заменил - completely replaced;
полупроводниковый кристалл - a semiconductor (chip);
уменьшить вес - reduce weight;
сократить стоимость - reduce cost;
потребление электроэнергии - power consumption;
высокая надежность - high reliability;
твердотельные компоненты - solid-state components;
довольно быстро... но гораздо ниже - fast enough..., but far below ;
высокоскоростной компьютер - high-speed computer;
микроволновые системы связи - microwave communication systems;
полупроводниковая технология - semiconductor technology;
область науки - a field of science;
интегральная схема - integrated circuit;
пакетная обработка - batch processing;
сборка дискретных компонентов на кристалле - assembling descrete components on a chip;
снизить производственные затраты - lower manufacturing costs;
обеспечить высокую скорость - provide high speed.
| ðə ˌjuːˈkeɪ kənˈsɪst əv fɔː <contries> <englad> ˈskɒtlənd <wasel>