ответ такой ead the text. For questions 1-5,
choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1 What do we learn about David Copperfield
in the first paragraph?
A He does not like travelling.
B He wants to play with the boys.
C He thinks about home life a lot.
D He wishes he had not bitten
Mr Murdstone.
2 The old lady wanted the boy to...
A move seats.
C carry her basket.
B stop talking D sit still.
3 ... what sort of boy I used to be before I bit
Mr Murdstone' (1.13-14) is an example of ...
A metaphor. C onomatopoeia.
B alliteration. D simile.
4 The word 'solitary (2.4
My dad and i (were strolling) around London from 9 am to 3 pm.
We (had to) check three times during the stroll.
The atmosphere (was) fun.There (were) a lot of people, some people (were wearing) fancy dress. Cadbury people (were giving) out free chocolates.
While we (were strolling) we visited some great sights of London.
At the finish i (got) a prize.
it is one of the most exciting days out i (have ever had)