Kokshetau - located in the northern part of the country, on the shore of the large semi-fresh lake Kopa (kaz. Қopa) in the north of the Kokshetau Upland, the foothills of which surround the city from the south and west; distance from Nur-Sultan is about 300 km. Kokshetau received the status of a city in 1862 (according to other sources - 1895). The population of the city of Kokshetau as of the beginning of 2020 is 146,104 people (2020; 18th place in Kazakhstan), within the boundaries of administratively subordinate to the city akimat - 160,431 people [6]. The ethnic composition is very diverse. The most numerous are Kazakhs (58%) and Russians (29%). Religion of the townspeople is Islam (mainly Sunnis) and Christianity (mainly Orthodox and Catholics).
как смогла.
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A lot of calls are produce by them every day.
I will (или shall) be told how to help them.