Когда-то давно жила царевна и не хотела выходить замуж она за принца заморского. Но папа настоял. Сыграли свадьбу, родила она ему детей, все бцло хорошо, пока принц не пошел в поход. Пошел и не вернулся. Поплакала царевна и вернулась к отцу. Жить с ним стала, а детям отдала, то царство где принц правил. Шел царевне уже 49 гол и обьявляется ее муж, а она и не рада. Спросила его, где он был, а он ответил, что ездил собирал для нее украшения и подарки. Обиделась она на него, а он ушел к другой. Мораль этой сказки такова: если ушел ты из дома неблагодарный царь, то потом не возвращайся.
Once upon a time there lived a princess and did not want to marry a prince overseas. But dad insisted. They had a wedding, she bore him children, everything was fine until the prince went on a hike. Went and did not return.The princess wept and returned to her father. She began to live with him, and gave the children, the kingdom where the prince ruled. The princess was already walking 49 goals and her husband was announced, but she was not happy. I asked him where he was, and he answered,that he went to collect jewelry and gifts for her. She was offended by him, and he went to another. The moral of this tale is this: if an ungrateful tsar left home, then don't come back.
ты это еще чекни немного, а то не уверена что верно все.
I consider that no one child should work. Every child has the right for good education, the right to play and enjoy his childhood. Everybody should remember that the children are a safe future of the nation. To move away this problem the government should take strict laws against the children's labor and increase the opportunity of engaging the adults. More over the government should be convinced that every child has the opportunity to get education free of charge and go to school. I can personally support the organizations that fight against the child 's labor and write letters to the Government or to Mass Media so that they could think over this problem.