1. Has the role of journalist in British society been altered somewhat in the public perception in recent years due to the decline in the standards witnessed in many newspapers, particularly in the popular or tabloid press?
2. What war has led to an increase in sensationalism and a cynical activity?
3. Did the term "fourth estate" or "third "estate use to describe a press?
4. The Oxford English dictionary attributes the term " fourth estate" to Lord Brougham in 1823, didn't it?
5. What is focused on entertainment?
1. Вступление
2. Трудности которые былт связаны с печатной машиной и то, что в данное время компьютерамт пользававтся легче и удобнее.
3. Влияние компьютера на нас и на наши жизни.
4. Провождение большего свободно времени НА компьютеры. Шанс стать слепым и зависимым от гаджетов.
5. Не злоупотреблять компьютером.
План на английском языке.1. Introduction
2. Struggles that we had with the
3. Influence of computers on us, the faciltation of our lives.
4. Spending your free time ON the computer. There's a change of becoming addicted to electronic devices.
5. Not overusing computers.