Пропала Собака породы Карликовый пинчер, самец, кличка: Кокс, регион: Казань Татарстан Объявление: № 10358 от 28.05.2015 Категория: Пропала Собака Порода: Карликовый пинчер Кличка: Кокс Пол: самец Возраст: 2 года Окрас: Окрас 4 Регион: Казань Татарстан Владелец: Татьяна Телефон: 2687895465155 Описание: 23 мая 2015г. в микрорайоне "Сосновка" г. Елабуги пропала собака породы "Карликовый пинчер" рыжего окраса. Откликается на кличку "Кокс".
перевод на английский:
The Dog of breed the Dwarfish pinscher, a male, a nickname was gone: Coks, region: Kazan Tatarstan Announcement: No. 10358 of 28.05.2015 Category: The Dog was gone Breed: Dwarfish pinscher Nickname: Coks Floor: male Age: 2 years Color: Color 4 Region: Kazan Tatarstan Owner: Tatyana Phone: 2687895465155 Description: On May 23, 2015 the dog of breed "A dwarfish pinscher" of a red color was gone in the residential district "Sosnovka" of Yelabuga. Responds to the nickname "Coks".
My name is Alena. I am 17 years old . My childhood was spent in the city of Velikie Luki .It is an ancient Russian city ,where so many beautiful places . I have a big family mom, dad, brother, sister t very many grandparents. My sister's name is Alena.She's 17 years old .Externally, we are a bit different, but at heart exactly the same. Now I really miss her. Now I live and study in Pskov. On teacher education .I chose this direction because I love children. In four years I plan to do a second degree. I love to dance. From five to twelve years I studied dance in different directions Now, 6 years in belly dancing . In addition to dance, I play sports ,go to the gym. Almost every summer I travel with my parents. I was in Turkey ,Egypt, Greece ,Czech Republic,Crimea ,at that time he was a part of Ukraine. I also love to travel to places of Russia. I was in Veliky Novgorod ,Smolensk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vladivostok ,Tomsk, on lake Seliger, in Gelendzhik and Anapa. Most of all I liked in Greece ,Malia .Hope I will visit there again. My boyfriend lived ten years in Poland .On winter holidays we are planning to go to Warsaw ,he said this is a very beautiful city .I want to see this for myself.
I wake up at 7am every morning and get dressed. My day begins with a workout. I brush my teeth. I have breakfast at a quarter to eight. I leave home at a half past seven. The lessons start at half past eight. The classes are over at two o'clock. I come back home, have dinner and do my homework. We go to bed at eleven o'clock. Каждое утро я просыпаюсь в 6 часов утра и одеваюсь. Мой день начинается с тренировки. Я чищу зубы. Я завтракаю без пятнадцати восемь. Я выхожу из дома в пол восьмого. Уроки начинаются в половине девятого. Занятия заканчиваются в два часа. Я возвращМы ложимся спать в одиннадцать часов.аюсь домой, обедаю и делаю уроки.
кличка: Кокс,
регион: Казань Татарстан
Объявление: № 10358 от 28.05.2015
Категория: Пропала Собака
Порода: Карликовый пинчер
Кличка: Кокс
Пол: самец
Возраст: 2 года
Окрас: Окрас 4
Регион: Казань Татарстан
Владелец: Татьяна
Телефон: 2687895465155
Описание: 23 мая 2015г. в микрорайоне "Сосновка" г. Елабуги пропала собака породы "Карликовый пинчер" рыжего окраса. Откликается на кличку "Кокс".
перевод на английский:
The Dog of breed the Dwarfish pinscher, a male, a nickname was gone: Coks,
region: Kazan Tatarstan
Announcement: No. 10358 of 28.05.2015
Category: The Dog was gone
Breed: Dwarfish pinscher
Nickname: Coks
Floor: male
Age: 2 years
Color: Color 4
Region: Kazan Tatarstan
Owner: Tatyana
Phone: 2687895465155
Description: On May 23, 2015 the dog of breed "A dwarfish pinscher" of a red color was gone in the residential district "Sosnovka" of Yelabuga. Responds to the nickname "Coks".