If I could change something, I would change Russian series. Here is the mask of true evil, the seat of the vices, the citadel of evil. The rest would not touch. Of course, our lives are far from ideal: incorrect state politics, commercialism and the earthiness of people, the wrong upbringing of children, illness, bad weather, eggplant... the list is endless, the keyboard will endure. But if flush eyes with soap impartiality, after a brief tingling, offer a different picture of the universe. The world is beautiful and generous. And he made each of us are two of the most precious gift is life and choice. More space should nothing to anybody. Only man, unlike all the flora and fauna of our blue ball, can live, ignoring the instincts that dictate the genetic code. Good or bad, is irrelevant - the fact remains. And tricking your natural programming, we have created a world that deserve where each person or is in his place, or trying to get there. Those who need a power - seeking in politics who need money in a business but who needs truth in philosophy. Therefore mankind and stably. Someone said that life would be easier without the hordes of naasti and tragedies that await us at every turn of fate. Fundamentally disagree. In General, all the problems and ills of mankind can be divided into two types. First, there are those that are born in our heads, the latter - those that fall on our heads from the centrifuge universal chaos. First in reality does not exist, the latter can neither predict nor prepare for them. They both make each person unique. And only born so beautiful polymorphia life, with all its variety of features and expression. Freeing the mortal's problems - we turn it into another type of mammal living in harmony with the world. But harmony is boring. I want to suffer, to rejoice, to love, to blush from embarrassment and fear of the future. I want to make mistakes, to repent of them and make them again. And there is no more suitable for this soil. than life in this imperfect society. How many great books would not have been written, do not suffer from author inner demons, how many wonderful inventions would not have been invented if scientists felt comfortable in the cold, hot world, how many personal discoveries slipped away from me, be afraid I'm out of a comfortable, soft, but damn little comfort zone. The paradox is that our world is beautiful in its imperfection. Hard in it to perfectionists, but they would be suffering, he found himself in the center of perfection, because then their position in life would have no meaning, no possibilities for existence. People always want to change the world, make it better. In principle, it is harmless and progressive desire, if not one "but". People always wanna change the world only to benefit themselves, to erode under his personal desires, ignoring the desires of others. Well, they can understand. But people don't realize that their desires other more treacherous beauties. Today they like one thing, tomorrow another. And to indulge every whim - worlds is not impossible to satiate. So live, cursing, cherishing his life. Such variability we need nothing less than eagle wings, and the rabbit long ears.
I: Come in. Mr. Lo, isn't? Please, have a seat. Войдите. Господин Ло, не так ли присаживайтесь. S: Thank you. Благодарю Вас. I: Did you have a good trip? Хорошо ли Вы доехали? S: Yes, thanks. I came up from San Diego yesterday. Да Я приехал из Сан Диего вчера. I: And did you find a nice hotel? Вам удалось найти хороший отель? S: No. I am at my parents' place in Oakland. Нет. Я [остановился] у моих родителей в Окленде. I: Oh, that's right, you're from the Bay area, aren't you? О, это правильно. Вы же из области Залива, не так ли? S: Yes. I was born and raised in Oakland. Да. Я родился и вырос в Окленде. I: When did you leave Oakland? Когда Вы покинули Окленд? S: I went to college in L.A. That was in 1988. Я поступил в колледж в Лос-Анджелесе. Это было в 1988 году. I: So, where are you presently working? Итак, где Вы сейчас работаете? S: Soledad Computers in San Diego. В "Соледад Компьютерс" в Сан Диего. I: Why do you want to change jobs now? Почему Вы хотите сменить работу сейчас? S: I'd like to do some travelling. I want to use my languages, and I want a better job. Я хотел бы иногда путешествовать. Я хочу использовать свое знание языков, и я хочу лучшую работу. I: Do you want to live closer to your parents? Вы хотите жить ближе к своим родителям? S: That's not the reason why I want this job. But yes, I'd like to live in this area again. Это не та причина, по которой я хочу получить эту работу. Но да, я бы хотел жить в этом районе снова. I: Well, thank you, Mr. Lo. We'll be in touch. Что ж г-н Ло. Мы с вами свяжемся.
Поездка удалась? Да Я приехал из Сан-Диего вчера. И вы нашли хороший отель? Нет, я остановился у родителей в Окленде. Когда вы переехали из Окленд? Я поступил в колледж в Лос-Анджелесе. Это было в 1988 году. Итак, где вы сейчас работаете? Soledad Computers в Сан-Диего. Почему вы хотите сменить работу сейчас? Я хотел бы попутешествовать. Я хочу использовать свои знания языков, и я хочу лучшую работу. Вы хотите жить ближе к вашим родителям? Я не потому хочу эту работу. Но да, я хотел бы снова жить в этом районе. Чтож мистер Ло. Мы с вами свяжемся.
People always want to change the world, make it better. In principle, it is harmless and progressive desire, if not one "but". People always wanna change the world only to benefit themselves, to erode under his personal desires, ignoring the desires of others. Well, they can understand. But people don't realize that their desires other more treacherous beauties. Today they like one thing, tomorrow another. And to indulge every whim - worlds is not impossible to satiate. So live, cursing, cherishing his life. Such variability we need nothing less than eagle wings, and the rabbit long ears.