Sandler graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1991. On Sunday, June 22, 2003, he wed model Jackie Titone, whom he met on the set of Big Daddy. Sandler and Jackie Titone later worked together again in the Rob Schneider comedy Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo, which Sandler executive-produced.
2) dance 2) (данс)
3) give presents 3) (гив) (ˈпрезэнтс)
4) play computer games 4) (плей) (кэмˈпьютэр) (геймз)
5) eat à cake 5) (ит) à (кейк)
6) wear costumes 6) (уэр) (каˈстумз)
7) play football 7) (плей) (ˈфутˌбол)
8) sing 8) (син)
9) eat ice cream 9) (ит) (айс) (крим)
10) watch TV 10) (уач) (ˈтиˈви)
11) swim in the swimming pool 11) (суим) (ин) (зэ) (ˈсуимин) (пул)
12) help to cook12) (хелп) (тэ) (кук)