Fox is very beautiful animal, it slender, graceful, with a beautiful coat and long lush tail and a long, pointed muzzle.Fox is a very famous character of Russian folk tales, and many other fairy tales and stories. For example, in a famous fairy-tale of Alexei Tolstoy's «Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino» Fox Alice - one of the main actors
Перевод: Лиса очень красивое животное, оно стройное, грациозное, с красивым мехом и длинным пышным хвостом и длинной, заостренной мордочкой. Лиса – очень известный персонаж русских народных сказок, а также множества других сказок и рассказов. Например, в известной сказке Алексея Толстого «Золотой ключик, или приключения Буратино» лиса Алиса – одно их главных действующих лиц.
Description of the Battle of Stalingrad The victory of the Soviet troops over Nazi troops at Stalingrad - one of the most glorious pages in the annals of the Great Patriotic War. 200 days and nights - July 17, 1942 until February 2, 1943 - The Battle of Stalingrad lasted for continuously rising tension forces on both sides. During the first four months were stubborn defensive fighting, first in the great bend of the Don, and then on the outskirts of Stalingrad and in the city. During this period, the Soviet troops harassed rushing to the Volga German-fascist groups and forced her to go on the defensive. Over the next two and a half months, the Red Army, going to the offensive, defeated the enemy forces north-west and south of Stalingrad, surrounded and eliminated 300,000th group of German troops. Battle of Stalingrad - the decisive battle of the Second World War, in which Soviet troops won a major victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War in general. Ended victorious offensive fascist German troops began their expulsion from the Soviet Union. The Battle of Stalingrad in duration and fierce fighting, the number of people involved and military equipment at the time surpassed all the battles in world history. She turned on the vast territory of 100,000 square kilometers. At different stages on both sides of it involved more than 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, up to 26 thousand guns. According to the results of this battle also surpassed all previous. Stalingrad, Soviet troops crushed the armies of five: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. Nazi troops lost in killed, wounded, captured by more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers, as well as a large amount of military equipment, weapons and equipment. The Battle of Stalingrad be subdivided into two inextricably linked periods: the defensive (from 17 July to 18 November 1942) and offensive (from 19 November 1942 to 2 February 1943). However, due to the fact that the Battle of Stalingrad - it is a complex defensive and offensive operations, its periods, in turn, need to be considered in stages, each of which - it's either a complete or even several related operations.
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