1)Plate tectonics is a modern scientific understanding of the structure and movement of the lithosphere, according to which the earth's crust consists of relatively integral blocks - lithospheric plates, which are in constant motion relative to each other.
2)The Earth is made up of four layers: the inner core in the centre the outer core around it, the matle and the crust on the surface.
3) The location bellow the Earth's surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocentre.
4)Scientists use a spacial instrument called a seismograph and a system called the Richter scale to record and measure the strength of an earthquake.
5)More than a million earthquakes accur every year, but most of them are minor and people don't feel them
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1. the first English settlements appeared in America at the beginning of the 17th century. On the 6th of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed from Plymouth, on boqard the ship "Mayflower." They wnated to start a new life and have no problems with the church. They landed in the Northeast of america. There were 74 men and 28 women. They set up a colony and called that part of a country New England.
6. The English King who lived in England was the king of New England and other colonies. The colonists in America didn't like that They wanted to be free from England.
8. there are 100 cents in a dollar. Other american coins are: a dime, pennies, nickels, quarters.
There are 5 pennies in a nickel. There 2 nickels in a dime. Therea four quarters in a dollar. There are ten dimes in a dollar.
11.San Fransisco. Jeans were very strong trousers made of denim.
12,13,14. blue, red and white. 50 stars mean 50 states of the USA. 13 stripes mean first 13 colonies. People often called the american flag - the stars and stripes.
Yes, it did. The arrows mean strength. You can see an eagle on the back of a dollar bill.
16. The Independence day.
18. People say "Washigton DC" not to confuse this city with the name of a state Washington in the northwest f the country.
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November in the United States.
2. Who were the Pilgrims?
The Pilgrims were religious people from England.
3. What was the town built in America by the Pilgrims called ?
The town built in America by the Pilgrims was called Plymouth.
4. Who were the Pilgrims thankful to for food and their new home?
The Pilgrims were thankful to God for food and their new home.
5. Who were the Pilgrims shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn by?
The Pilgrims were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn by the Indians.