Если бы я мог,я бы создал планету,под названием- Мигилей. Там, во-первых,было бы очень красиво,росли бы цветы и деревья не ведомой красоты. Животных,было бы очень много. И все бы ели траву,и не убивали друг-друга. Во-вторых, там полно было бы людей и все с любовью и с уважением относились к окружающимся. Там не было бы суеты,волнения и самое главное убийства. Но к сожалению, этого я сделать не могу. И всем остается жить в этом жестоком мире.
If I could, I would create the planet, under the name - Migilya. There it would be first very beautiful, flowers and trees of not conducted beauty would grow. Animals, would be much. And all would eat a grass, and didn't kill each other. Secondly, there it would be full of people and all with love and were respectful to the surrounded. There would be no vanity, excitement and the most important of murder. But unfortunately, I can't make it. And all need to live in this cruel world.
If you are a lover of French fries from a fast food, then this recipe is for you. Potatoes cooked this recipe, it turns out exactly you were served, for example, in McDonalds. So with our recipe you can enjoy your favorite dish at home.
7 medium potatoes; 300 gr. vegetable oil; salt to taste.
Method of cooking:
1. Clearing and washing the potatoes, cut it on wedges and dry cloth.
2. Filling in a saucepan or another deep oil to your liking, heat it.
3. Placing it in the pan, small portions of potatoes, зажариваем her until Golden crust and spread with a slotted spoon to a colander. When will drain the oil, put it on a plate. Only after this season with salt and serve hot.
Van Tsarevich - one of the main characters of Russian folklore. As a fairy tale character, he appeared in the late XVIII-early XIX century. Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales in two different guises: positive character, struggling with evil, which helps an injured or weak. Very often in the early tales Ivan Tsarevich poor, lost parents, pursued by enemies, is not aware of his royal ancestry. In such tales as a reward for heroic behavior and good works, Prince Ivan gets back his kingdom, the throne, or finds his royal parents. But even if it was originally the prince, in the end of the story, he usually gets kind of prize in the form of another half a kingdom, the royal or king's daughter, magic or an expensive horse, precious or magical objects, or even further mind or magical abilities.
If I could, I would create the planet, under the name - Migilya. There it would be first very beautiful, flowers and trees of not conducted beauty would grow. Animals, would be much. And all would eat a grass, and didn't kill each other. Secondly, there it would be full of people and all with love and were respectful to the surrounded. There would be no vanity, excitement and the most important of murder. But unfortunately, I can't make it. And all need to live in this cruel world.